Boss That Protects

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Three Months Later

"Dad, why is Soobin always sleeping? He never wants to play with me." Jimin asked Jungkook as him, and Jungkook was watching a movie while Jin and Soobin were in the room sleeping.

"It's because he's still young Minnie, he is a baby, and that's what babies do when they are young, they sleep, eat, cry and make messes for their parents. When he grows up a bit more, I am sure he will play with you." Jungkook tried to explain to his son. He made sure to spend a lot of time within the past three months with Jimin as he knew a lot of Jin's attention was given to Soobin, not intentionally, but because he had to.

He didn't want Jimin to at any point feel left out, so he made sure he was always with Jimin unless he and Jin traded places, which often happened. Being a parent to two kids was undoubtedly a challenge. It was Jungkook first time being an actual parent, and he realized just how difficult it was especially after all the late nights he already had. Some days when he went into work, he was like a zombie.

Thankfully, Jimin was in school because he doesn't know how Jin would handle two kids being home. He sometimes felt terrible when he had to go in on the weekends leave Jin alone with both. Although Jimin was growing up and becoming more understanding, however, he still required a lot of attention which was understandable, he was never used to sharing his parents, and this was a big adjustment for him as well.

That's why Jungkook did all he could to ensure Jimin never once felt left out. The first few nights after they brought Soobin home, he slept with Jimin because he saw the look on Jimin's face when he thought the baby was going to sleep with them and he had to sleep on his own. He didn't understand that a baby needed extra care, he was too young, and Jin nor Jungkook did not want him to feel like the baby had taken his place.

"Was I like that when I was his size? Did I sleep a lot?" Jimin questions as he climbed onto Jungkooks lap and sat down.

"I am pretty sure you were, but when you started growing up, you became different."

"Ohhh, so when will he want to play with me tomorrow?" Jungkook laughed, "no baby, maybe next year, he will start playing with you."

"That's a long time. This why I wanted a sister." Jimin said pouting.

"Even if you had a sister she wouldn't be able to play with you yet Minnie, but don't worry, a year goes by very fast. Until then, you have to make sure always to protect and take care of your brother, okay."

"Okay, I will. Does that mean I am still his boss? Yoongi said I am, but papa doesn't want me to be."

"Yes, you are a boss who protects. You will protect and love your brother at all times. Papa wants you to be his boss, but he doesn't want you to be a boss that hurts him."

"ohhh, I would never hurt Soobinie," Jimin said, shaking his head.

"I know you wouldn't, my Jiminie is the sweetest little boy ever." Jungkook ruffled Jimin's hair and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"even more than Soobinie?" Jimin asked as he looked up at Jungkook, his eyes were hopeful.

"Of course, even more than Soobinie," Jungkook said while laughing.

"Playing favorites I see," Jin said as he walked into the living room.

"No, I am not," Jungkook said with his eyes wide.

"Dad likes me more than Soobinie," Jimin yells as he slides out of Jungkook's lap and runs to Jin.

Jin gives Jungkook a knowing look and shakes his head. He picks up Jimin in his hand and peppers him with kisses. "How's my baby doing?" Jin asked him.

"I think he is sleeping," Jimin said innocently

"I meant you Jimin, you are papa's baby."

"I am not a baby papa, Soobinie is. I don't sleep all the time, only babies sleep all the time." Jin looks towards Jungkook and shakes his head. He swore between Yoongi and Jungkook they were turning his precious baby into a clown.

"You are not a baby, but you will always be papa's baby," Jin said and hugged his son tighter.

Jin and Jimin's moment was interrupted when Jungkook called out to his husband, "Jin, Jimin said he wants a sister, right Jimin?"


A/N: This has got to be the lightest story I've ever written.

Anyway, as much as I don't want to let it go, it's unfortunate, but it will be ending sometime this month 😩

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