21 Questions

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Jimin had fallen asleep on Jungkook's shoulder. He picked him up and carried him to bed, tucking him in before kissing him goodnight. He looked at the younger with sadness in his eyes, unsure what he had seen between his parents previously. He was hoping he'd be able to make a difference in his life.

As he returned to the living room, he noticed Jin's hand over his face. "Babe, baby, Jin?" he called out to Jin, who wouldn't answer. He was broken from what Jimin had said.

All this time, he never knew that Jimin knew that his father was putting his hands on him. He thought they had kept that hidden. His son knew he was getting abused. The damages that must have been done to his child.

"Come here," Jungkook said as he pulled Jin from the sofa. He was interrupting his thoughts. "I don't want to move," Jin said, his voice sounding weak.

"Let's go to your room. You can cry there." Jungkook said as he lifted the older like it was nothing and carried him to his room.

Jin didn't protest but just allowed it to happen. Once in the room. Jungkook placed Jin on the bed and got in the bed with him, which caused Jin to look at him weirdly.

Jungkook seemed to have noticed, "I won't try anything. I only want to lay next to you and hold you tonight. You don't have to tell me why you are crying or what Jimin meant right now. Use me, hold onto me, and let it all out. I'm here for you, baby." He said, pulled Jin into his arms, and kissed his forehead.

Doubtingly, Jin allowed himself to find comfort in Jungkook as he lay there and cried silently. He felt stupid for thinking that Jimin wouldn't have known. He wondered what else Jimin had seen or heard. Did Jimin even hear the times he got raped? All those thoughts crossed his mind as he lay wrapped up in Jungkook's arms that night.

What was the purpose of staying with Namjoon so long if it was affecting Jimin? All along, He was convinced Jimin wasn't aware. Not knowing he had known that Namjoon had done something to him. No wonder Jimin acts the way he does. Why he doesn't listen to him the way he should, he thought.

"Stop beating yourself up. Whatever it is, it's in the past; don't beat yourself up." Jungkook whispered to Jin.

"You don't understand. I'm a failure to my son." Jin cried.

"You are not a failure. Our Jimin does not see you that way. He knows you love him very much, and that's why he wants someone who will care for you. You should talk to him tomorrow and get an understanding of what he knows and how it bothers him. It sounds like you dealt with a lot in your marriage. Like I said before, you are hurting, and so is he. Talk to him in the morning. Tonight, relax in my arms and sleep." Jungkook kissed him on his nose, then a peck on his lips.

"That's Easy for you to say. I don't feel like sleeping, and it feels weird lying in a bed with you."

Jungkook squeezed Jin and pulled him closer to him. "I know. You can talk to me if you are not ready to sleep. I'm sorry, but you will have to get used to me being in this bed. Now that I'm with you, I no longer like sleeping alone. It gets lonely."

"What can we talk about? You are too much. I'm sure it's not that lonely. Sleeping in my bed versus your bed ain't much of a difference." Jin couldn't understand the difference.

"Let's play twenty-one questions. You haven't even seen me yet. How do you know I am too much?" Jin coughed and pushed against Jungkook's chest, but Jungkook only trailed his hand against his side, "There's a big difference between sleeping in my bed and not yours. In mine, I can't touch you like this." He placed his hand under Jin's shirt and ran his finger down the center of his back. Jin squirmed from being tickled by this. "I cannot feel the softness of your skin when you are here, and I am in my bed."

Jin saw where things were going and knew he needed to change the subject quickly.

"Let's play twenty-one questions." He let out.

Jungkook chuckled.

"Do you like me?" He asked Jin, and Jin smiled at his question.

"Of course I like you. I do." He said, kissing Jungkook on the cheek. "Okay, my turn. How do you feel about being a father to a child that is not yours?"

"I feel no way about it, especially when Jimin is that child. I told you from the beginning how I've felt, and nothing changed." He said he continued rubbing his hand against Jin's back.

"When can I move in?"

Jin was shocked by the bold question. He didn't know how to respond. "I-I, y-you. I never thought about it." He hadn't thought about that.

"Can you think about it?" Jungkook asked immediately.

"It's my turn, mister," Jin said, reminding him it was his turn to ask a question.

He was already feeling heated with Jungkook's hands rubbing against his back. It had been a while for him, and the touch ignited something. However, he ignored it.

"What's your question?" Jungkook asked as he brushed his lips against Seokjin's.

"Are you trouble?" Jin blurted out. It wasn't the question he was trying to ask.

Jungkook smirked, "it depends. What type of trouble are we talking about?" His tongue traced the outline of Jin's lips.

As soon as he did that, Jin was trying to figure out how to get out of bed. Jungkook was definitely not the innocent young guy he had seen him as. He was fascinating.

"Jungkook, please behave yourself." Jin breathes out.

Jungkook kisses Jin on his lip and bites his bottom lip before pulling away. " Believe me, Seokjin, I'm behaving myself. You have absolutely no idea about what I want to do and the thoughts I have been having lying here with you. I think you are oblivious to the way you drive me insane. I think it's you who needs to behave."

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