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"Dad, can I have candy?" Jimin said, running into the house.

"Jimin, take off your shoes. You know you papa won't like it if he was here." Jungkook said to Jimin.

Jimin looked down on his feet and sat on the floor, taking off his shoes. He knew his papa would be upset if he saw him with his shoes on in the house. "I'll go put them in my room," Jimin said as he took off running to his room.

Jungkook checked his phone. He was surprised Jin wasn't home yet. Maybe he went in late and was working later than usual.

"Kookie, dad, Kookie." Jimin ran out into the living room calling out to Jungkook

"What's wrong baby?" Jungkook asked, lifting Jimin into his arms.

"Papa had the wrong ice cream."

Jungkook stared at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"He threw up in the toilet, and he's sleeping."

Jungkook immediately put Jimin down. "Your papa is here? How come his car isn't." He took off to their bedroom and sure enough Jin was laying in bed sleeping.

Jungkook went beside him and nudge him, "baby are you okay?"

Jin opened his eyes slightly and stared at Jungkook, but let out a yelp when Jimin jump on the bed and onto his stomach, "Papa, are you okay. You had bad ice cream? Couldn't you find the one daddy left for you? Did you eat my ice cream that I left?" Jimin asked as he bounces up and down on Jin's stomach.

Jungkook saw Jin winced in pain and picked up Jimin. "Minnie baby papa is sick. You can't do that. Go get him bottled water please."

"Sorry, papa. Did I hurt you?" Jimin said, jumping off the bed.

"No baby papa is fine," Jin said, giving Jimin a weak smile.

"Okay, papa. I'll go get water." Jimin said, running out of the room.

"Baby, are you okay?" Jungkook asked as soon as Jimin was out of sight. "Where is your car?"

"I'm feeling a bit under the weather. Taehyung brought me home."

"Do you want to go to the doctor? What's, are your symptoms? Taehyung brought you home? Why?" Jungkook was concerned about Jin, but he didn't like the idea of Taehyung taking Jin home.

"I don't know. Just nausea, vomiting, and I feel hot a lot lately. My body aches especially my ankles. I feel like I have bad flu, yet I feel like how I did when I first found out I was pregnant with Jimin. Taehyung was worried, so he offered, rather he insisted so I couldn't refuse." Jin said nonchalantly

Jungkook rests his hand on Jin's stomach, "I think we need to get you to the doctor. If you feel like you did when you were pregnant with Jimin, it might because you are pregnant again." Jin's eyes widen at Jungkook's words.

"P-pregnant?" Jin stutters

"Yes, baby. I think we are having a baby." Jungkook said excitedly, but he notices Jin's eyes remain wide as though he was staring into space.

Jin suddenly remembers that every time they had sex, a condom was never used. He never even paid attention to it until now.

"I can't be pregnant," Jin whispered out shocking Jungkook. He thought Jin would be as excited as him. The thought of getting Jin pregnant never crossed his mind, but the idea of having a baby with Jin made him extremely happy. He was delighted to have a child with the love of his life. However, it bothers him that Jin looked mortified rather than happy.

"Why, baby, what's wrong? Why don't we get you dress and go to the doctor to confirm? I might be wrong."
Jungkook said, feeling a bit sad.

It's not that Jin wasn't happy. However, the memories he had of being pregnant with Jimin suddenly came rushing back. The pain he endured during his pregnancy all came back. He didn't have good memories of being pregnant. Therefore he hated the idea of being pregnant again. What if he suffered the same pain all over again.

"Jin why are you crying?" Jungkook asked as he pulled Jin into his arms. "Maybe I'm wrong. I think you only have the flu." He whispered as he hugged Jin. A tear was falling out his eyes. Why was the idea of being pregnant so terrifying to Jin. He didn't know.

"Jungkook I don't want to go. I want to sleep. Can you leave me let me sleep." Jin said, pulling away from Jungkook.

"No. Somethings wrong and we are going to work through this together. If you don't want to go to the doctor, then fine we will wait until tomorrow. But I'm not leaving you in this room by yourself. If you are going to sleep, we are going to sleep together. You are not alone." Jungkook said, looking into Jin's eyes.

"I love you baby and I here to stay." He leaned in and kissed Jin on the lips.

"I smell of vomit." Jin cried and pulled away.

"I don't care. Do you want to go to the doctor? Or wait until tomorrow?" Jungkook asked once more.

Jin let out a deep sigh. "I will go."

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