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Jin looked down at Jimin and smiled at his son's innocent mind. "Baby, your dad and I are having a baby." Jin lifted Jimin into his arms and walked him into their home. All while Jungkook was still standing outside looking at the tiny shoes in front of the door.

"A baby? But I am your baby. You going have another one?" Jin couldn't help but smile once more at his son's adorable and cute self.

"Yes, baby, you are my baby and always will be. We are just going to have another one. Don't you want someone to play with?" Jin asks as he kisses Jimin on the cheek.

"We don't need another one. I play with Kookie. If we have another one he will want to play with my Kookie." Jimin said folding his arms

"No one can take me away from my Minnie." Jungkook appeared in the living room and took Jimin out of Jin's arm throwing him up in the air and making him giggle. "Minnie will always be my favorite baby. Dad and Appa just wanted Minnie to have a brother or a sister to play with."

"brother or sister?" Jimin questioned

"Yes," Jin and Jungkook said in unison

"I don't want a brother. I want a sister. Jenna said that her brother is always mean to her. If I have a brother, he will be mean to me. Can I have a sister instead?" Jimin asked as he looks up at Jungkook. Jungkook was trying his best now to laugh.

"Who is Jenna, baby?" Jin questioned, saving Jungkook from answering.

"She is my friend from school." Jin smiled to himself as his son finally pronounces friend correctly.

"We will see if we can get you a sister, if not this time, then next time, okay Min- OUCH!" Jungkook cried out as Jin slaps him across his back.

"Are you okay Dad?" Jimin looked worriedly at Jungkook. Jin was thankful his son did not witness what he had done.

"I am Minnie, something stung me," Jungkook said while giving Jin a side glance.

"was it a bug? You have to get it, or it will stink the baby too. Appa, where is the baby?"

"Here," Jin said, pointing to his stomach.

Jimin looked at his dad in confusion and wiggled himself out of Jungkook arms as he ran over to his appa. "There? Why is the baby there? How did it get there? Can I take the baby out? Did you swallow the baby?" He bombarded Jin with a whole bunch of questions.

"Minnie, you se-" Jungkook began, but Jin cut him off. "Don't you dare. You are the wrong person to explain this to him." Jin said, holding up his finger to Jungkook.

"Jimin, Appa is having a baby because Appa loves your dad and your dad loves him back. The baby got in here by me drinking a special drink. You can't take the baby out, but the baby will come out in seven more months." Jin said as his son as he tried racking his brain at how best to tell his son about how he got pregnant.

"I could've done way better than that," Jungkook muttered under his breath earning him a death glare from Jin.

"Do I get a baby too? I love dad, and he loves me, so do I get a baby or do I have to drink a special drink too?" Jungkook burst into a fit of laughter.

"No, Jimin it does not work like that. When you are older, you will understand. You can't get a baby until you are very big. Like really big, like your dad and me, okay?" Jin looked at his son, hoping that would be the end of his questions. He doesn't think he would survive any more of his son's questions.

"Okay, Appa," Jimin said and Jin smiled.

"But Appa why seven months? Why can't I see the baby now?"


"oh my goodness. I didn't think he'd stop." Jin said as he laid in bed.

"He would've stopped a long time ago had you let me explain things to him." Jungkook chuckled and pulled Jin into his arms.

"Right, so you could tell him we had sex." Jin shakes his head.

"I would not have told him that," Jungkook said, leaning down and kissing Jin's lips. "Are we really having a baby?" he whispers against Jin's lips.

"We are. In seven months to be exact."

"When did you find out?" Jungkook questions as he pulls Jin's body closer to him, lifting Jin's right leg and throwing it over his waist.

"two weeks after we returned from our trip."

"Damn. So I am guessing our baby wasn't a sex on the beach baby?" Jungkook smirked as he ran his hands up and down Jin's bare thigh.

"Between you and Jimin, I don't know who is more problematic," Jin said, shaking his head.

"I think he is," Jungkook said as he presses his hard member against Jin.

"J-Jungkook!" Jin breathes out.

"Yes, babe?" He leans forward and runs his tongue over Jin's lips, squeezing Jin's ass cheek at the same time. "Tell me, babe, do you want me as much as I want you?" he whispers against Jin's lips.

His finger finds its way to Jin's hole, and he rubs his finger over it, before sliding it in.

"J-Jungkook..." Jin moans out.

"It's daddy, baby, daddy." He whispers before sliding another finger into Jin's hole, causing a louder moan to escape Jin's lips.


Let your imagination run wild :)

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