Kiss vs. Peck

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Jungkook pulled away from kissing Jin with tears in his eyes. Jin looked up at him and began wiping his tears away, "Why are you crying? It's your birthday."

"I didn't mean to, but this is the best birthday gift I have gotten in a long time. So thank you." He said, leaning down and placing a kiss on Jin's forehead.

Jin's heart melted, and at that moment, he knew he had done the right thing with giving Jungkook a chance.

"When's Jimin coming back?"

Jin pulled out from Jungkook's embrace and made his way over to the dinner table, "he's coming back tonight. Hoseok said he would keep him for the night, but I don't know how I feel about him sleeping out. He also has school tomorrow. And we both know how he gets when he wants certain things." Jungkook could see the concern in Jin's eyes as he spoke about his son.

"I understand my love."

Jungkook smiled at Jin and took a seat across from him.

"My love?" Jin asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course. That's what you are and what you'll forever be to me. I'm so happy right now; you have no idea. I'm just keeping my excitement under control."

Jin laughed aloud, but remembered something he wanted to discuss with Jungkook, "I don't think I want Jimin to know about us as of yet."

"Agreed. Let's figure us out first. I'm sure he'll notice sooner or later though. Our son is pretty smart."

Jin almost spilled the wine he was pouring for Jungkook as the mention of "our son" Jungkook thought of Jimin as his own.

Jungkook noticed Jin's reaction and smiled to himself. He also saw that Jin poured water for himself rather than wine.

"You are going to make me drink alone?" Jin had made steak and pasta with a side salad. The meal was perfect with wine.

"Yes. I am a lightweight when it comes to drinking and end up embarrassing myself. So it's better for the enjoyment of your birthday. I refrain from drinking."

"Is that so?" Jungkook asked with a smirk. He was sure if Jin drank, he would see his real side.

"Yes. I've been told I'm a touchy-feely kind of person." Jin said, put his head down and taking a mouthful of his steak.

"You say it likes its a bad thing. I'm okay with you being touchy" Jin immediately choked on his food and began coughing. He took a gulp of his water.

He never expected a comment like that from Jungkook. Jungkook was a sweetheart.

"Sorry, your comment caught me off guard." Jin apologizes as he wipes his mouth.

Jungkook only smiled. He had envisioned so many moments with Jin that he would be embarrassed to share them. However, now that Jin had accepted his heart. He had no problem with letting the older know how he feels in other ways, eventually.

"Are you finish with your dinner? I think I can start cleaning up before Jimin gets back. He should be here within the next hour." Jin said, getting up from the table.

Jungkook hummed and got up with Jin as well. He began helping Jin pack up the dishes and bringing them into the kitchen. Jin began cleaning them and placing them into the dishwasher.

When he was done putting the last dish in the dishwasher and stood up. He felt Jungkook's hand around his waist as Jungkook turned him to face him. His breath hitches at the look in Jungkook eyes.

"I want a birthday kiss," Jungkook said leaning closer to Jin

"B-but you had one earlier." Jin stayed as his heart began to beat against his chest.

Jungkook pulls his body tighter on his own, "That was a peck on the lips, this is a kiss."

He kisses the sideline of Jin's mouth, then pecks his lips, teasing it with his tongue before capturing it thoroughly with his own. At first, the kiss is slow and sensual, until Jungkook tongue asked for permission which Jin complied. Jungkook tongue took control of Jin's, and he sucked on his bottom lip. Jin moaned against his mouth.

He loves the sound Jin was making, and it turned him on significantly. His hands to tighten around Jin's waist as he wanted nothing more than to squeeze Jin's cheeks below, but he knew Jin would prefer to take things slow, so he held back.

Once they pulled away reluctantly but needed to breathe. Jungkook saw how flustered Jin was and smiled. "I now know the difference between your pecks and kisses." He laughed and quickly tried to step away from Jungkook.

Jungkook body pressed against his was not a good thing. He was feeling and thinking about things he shouldn't.

"Jimin should be here soon," Jin said, running his through his hair.

"I think it will take another forty-five minutes before he gets here," Jungkook said, turning to look at Jin with lust in his eyes.

"Y-Yeah ummm...true. Do you want to play chess? O-or we can watch a movie? Wait, no, let's go for a walk. A walk is better. Outside the house is better." Jin quickly grabbed his jacket

Jungkook let out a laugh at how nervous Jin's action. "Let's go for a walk, babe." He agreed with Jin.

He put on his shoes and followed Jin out the house. As they made it down the driveway. Jungkook held Jin's hand into his own and squeezed it. "Babe"

"Yes," Jin said as he takes in the night glow.

"You are aware that being outside means nothing, right?"

Jin began coughing. Jungkook smiled and patted his back and leaned into his ear, "Don't worry. Nothing won't happen tonight. I wouldn't want our first time together to be outside. We have time to explore. I'm patient." And with that, he gave the older a lingering kiss on his ear lobe.

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