The Past

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Jimin ran over to his papa with tears in his eyes and hugged onto his father's legs. "I'm so sorry papa. Jimin was rude. Jimin won't do that again. I'm sorry." Jin crouched down and hugged his son, "it's okay baby. Papa didn't mean to yell at you either. But I don't want you ever to do something like that again, okay?"

Jimin pulled away and looked at his father, nodding his head while tears ran down his cheeks. "Good boy, now go to bed." Jin watched as the little one ran off to his bed, and it pained his heart. He wanted nothing more than to keep him in his arms and hush him to sleep, but he knew Jimin needed to learn and understand that he can't always have his way in life.

It pained him greatly to see Jimin do something like that. "Come on, let's go out in the living room and talk," Jungkook said, pulling Jin along with him.

Once they were in the living room, Jungkook handed Jin a bottled water and sat next to him. "That was a bit of an outburst. What Jimin did was wrong, but he's so young he doesn't know any better. I don't know what his father was like, but you can't talk about him like that to Jimin or yell at him because of your past. It will cause damage to him. Far greater than you'll ever know. Jimin isn't his father, and I am sure you know that.

However, I do think it's crucial we teach him it's not okay to do things like that or have his way at times. I think he needed to hear you yell, but not with those words. Parenting is hard, at least from what I've seen and observed while counseling parents. I think we can overcome a lot with Jimin by ensuring he understands his boundaries as a child. I might have been contributing to spoiling him a bit. I'm sorry about that. I don't want to make things harder for us when he gets older."

All while Jungkook is talking Jin is staring at him confusing especially the mention of "us," "we."

"Jungkook, there is no us! Jimin is my child. I raise him how I want to. You are right. I shouldn't have yelled at him with those words, but I get so tired! I've sacrificed my entire life for that little boy. I gave up my freedom for him and to see him do something like that, no matter how little he is, it hurt me to the core. I even allow you into my house, for his sake. He likes you, and I get it. I'm fine with it. I am going through a lot, so having you around for him is healthy, at least until I can muster up the courage to send him to daycare or school. I've been selfish thinking I could homeschool him, but he needs interactions with others. Jungkook you don't understand what it's like to be a single parent. A parent who has been abused and even afraid to try again in life, you don't get it." Jin, in his moment of anger, had blurred out way more than he had intended, but somehow he felt a slight bit of relief.

Jungkook shifted closer to Jin. Their thighs were almost touching. "You are right; Jimin is your child. I'm well aware. But I'm trying to change that, and I want to be apart of your and Jimin's life. Not as a friend to Jimin or you, but as a father figure as well as a lover to you. I like you a lot Seokjin, and I don't know when you will accept me.

Jimin is young he doesn't know how much you've sacrificed for him. It pains me to hear you say you've been abused. I wish I could take your past away from you, but I can't. I can show you a better future, though. I'm not a parent; you are right. I don't know what you feel either because you are not allowing me to. Are you sure Jimin is the only reason why you keep allowing me over? Are you telling me in these few months I haven't grown on you?" Jungkook asked Jin with a smile.

"I- y-you..." Jin stuttered which made Jungkook smile even more.

"I think you like me too, Seokjin." He reaches for Jin's hand; Jin pulls away.

"Jungkook you don't get it. A lot has happened to me. If you knew you wouldn't like me the way you think you do." Jin said tears were falling from his eyes.

"Isn't that your past?" Jungkook said to Jin while wiping away his tears.
"Yeah and what?"
"I'm not trying to be apart of your past, but your future."

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