Chapter One: Part Thirteen

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The trio walked through the street that was actually longer than anticipated, the other three had disappeared from site and it was only Emmy and the boys that remained

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The trio walked through the street that was actually longer than anticipated, the other three had disappeared from site and it was only Emmy and the boys that remained. Scott and Emmy on edge with their hands ready to fire or pull out a knife, unlike Troy who seemed to casually stroll through the street swinging the machete in hand.

"It's about time you two made it official," Emmy said to Scott and she walked beside him along the cracked road.

"What?" Scott looked in surprise to the shorter girl.

"You and Brae... You're cute together" she commented making the man practically blush.

"It's not that easy, Em. It's not like we can lead a normal life. Get married, have kids sort of life" Scott simply explained as he kicked the loose gravel beneath their boots.

"We don't know what's going to happen in the future, Scott. Nothing will ever be normal again but we also live in a world where not fighting for what you want is a waste when you could die tomorrow" Emmy simply said. She had always been wise beyond her years.

"Like you? All the time I've known you. You always fought for what you want. Tooth and nail" the medium built man let his gaze turn to the shorter girl.

"If I didn't know any better I would think you were admiring my tenaciousness" she flashed a smug grin.

"Maybe I am. Probably why I always back you up" he brushes his slender fingers through his golden copper hair the sunlight showing off the red flecks throughout the crewcut.

"I thought you always back me up cause Brady does" she spoke through narrowed suspicious eyes.

"Okay, partly" he replied with a roll of his blue eyes.

"I still think you should go for it. The longing glances and nauseating close encounters" Emmy was quick to mock the young man.

"You think I should?" he asked quickly to dismiss her joke.

"In this world got to keep what you can and protect it by all costs" Troy spoke before he suddenly spotted a badly decaying man dragging his right foot across the road but Troy swiftly moved and sliced its head clean off its body. The torso dropping to the ground like a bag of cement while the head continued to bite at the air but with two heavy stomps of his boot he easily crushed its skull causing brain matter and thick pools of blood to go across the tar as the other two continued to walk. "Dental Office," Troy said suddenly redirecting their attention as he pointed the machete to the sign.

"What you need your teeth cleaned?" Scott shot to him in sarcasm.

"Dentists also have medications. Something most people don't think of when they look through places" Troy spoke as he approached the wooden door and tried to see through the glass panel in the middle of the door.

"Ha, he might come in handy after all" Scott shot Emmy a grin but she just let out a laugh as she followed Troy to the door.

"Place is pretty empty. Might be alright to check" Emmy spoke as she joined Troy looking through the window.

"Decoy" Scott said as he picked up a rock from the road. Emmy opened the door a crack once Scott joined them and he tossed in the rock before swiftly closing it again. They could hear it tap against the tiles but that was the only sound that seemed to be coming from inside. The trio stood in wait with hands on their weapons but nothing came.

"Shall we?" Emmy looked between the two boys before Scott opened the glass door and all three of them entered. It was quiet. There seemed to be no dead and the place was pretty intact. The front where they entered was just a waiting room. Chairs still in place, not even a stain of blood on the surface while they held their weapons closely throughout the rooms.

"We need happy gas?" Emmy said as they entered the office in the back room and tapped the tank beside the dentist chair.

"If someone gets seriously hurt we could" Scott spoke as he began going through the medical cabinets and grabbing what he could.

"Guess we could use it then," Emmy said as she began unhooking it from the chair. The long cords and tubes.

"I got it" Troy spoke as he stepped over and began helping the girl. In return Emmy giving him a thankful smile.

"What was that?" Scott suddenly looked up from the cabinet with a faint noise. "Wait here," he said to the pair before leaving the room and down the hall. The two continued but Emmy occasionally let her eyes linger to the doorway waiting for Scott to return. "Shit!" the pair suddenly heard and ran from the room to see Scott pressing his back to the back door at the end of the hall. With banging coming from the other side.

"We've got company" Emmy's brown eyes went wide to Scott's panicked face trying to hold the door.

"Find something to hold it closed" Scott called to them. With a nod, Troy and Emmy ran into the office and began pushing the heavy dentist chair across the room.

"Where did they even come from... This place is practically deserted" Emmy commented as she pushed with what strength she had the heavy chair as its ground and growled against the tiles.

"When they come across each other they usually stay together. The probably heard the truck" Troy simply explained.

"Hopefully not too many" Emmy more said it to herself than anything as they finally made it to the back door. Scott moved across the floor as the readied to push it. At the last second and with a heavy thud they pushed it against the door as Scott jumped out of the way the last second. The pounding at the door continued as the three hurried back into the office. Grabbing what they could and preparing to leave.

"We need to get the others and get out of here" Emmy was quick to shove whatever she could into her backpack before pulling the straps over her shoulders but to their surprise, the window of the room began to smash as the dead pounded their rotting fists against it.

"Well, shit.."

The Killer In Me / Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now