Chapter Two: Part Three

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The pounding of a fist on the window beside Emmy's head made her eyes fly open in surprise. Pupils still dilated from her previous state. Kai stood outside the window a smirk gracing his lips surrounded by stubble that when the sunlight hit showed ginger flecks. "Yo!" he shouted at her but Emmy couldn't give anything but a blank stare towards the man only a few years older than herself. "You gettin' up now princess or you want me to join you?" he shot her a wink through the glass. Without so much as a warning, Emmy opened the door letting it slam against him, the window hitting his forehead with a thud. Chris let out a chuckle at the scene as Emmy got out and stepped down onto the pavement.
"Shit" he groaned rubbing a hand to his forehead.

"Hey! You finished playing games now. Take this shit seriously" Alan barked at them as he stood by the pickup truck parked just beside them.

Emmy placed a hand to her forehead trying to surveil the land around her but the harsh sunlight cast into her eyes. Another hot day already threatening to spill sweat and she had only just stepped out of the truck. They were parked out the front of a small country veterinarian clinic. "Hey, Em. Pick me up some horse tranqs hey?" Kai joked letting out a laugh.

"At least it would get you to shut up" Emmy rolled her eyes.

"Sort your shit guys come on" Troy instructed to the three of them.

"We splittin' up?" Kai asked glancing to Alan still by the other truck giving a nod as the second group began organising themselves.

"We will hit the south side of town!" Alan called.

"Guess we got the north" Emmy mumbled.

"So who is going with who?" Chris asked.

"I'll go with Troy" Emmy suddenly answered. She didn't exactly look forward to questions she knew were coming her way from the wavy-haired ash blonde but she knew Chris would still be hesitant to be paired with him and if he spent enough time alone with Kai he would probably kill him just out of sheer annoyance.

"Looks like it's you and me kiddo" Kai wrapped an arm around Chris's shoulders and messed up his already messy head of curls before the teenager shook him off.

"Back in an hour, two tops" Troy spoke. He hadn't been a part of the group long but Troy couldn't help stepping into a command role especially on missions. It was who he was after all. "Come on" he nudged his head to Emmy for her to follow once the other pair had dispersed. Emmy gave a single nod as she walked along with the tall man and pulling the hunting knife from the sheath on her thigh.

Another small quiet town, once upon a time full of life yet now an empty shell of what it once was. Rubbish scattered the streets along with the dead left to rot on the side of the road. Quite tragic this reality they now lived in. Emmy carelessly scuffed her boots against the tar of the road now cracked and in disrepair. "You stopped avoiding me then?" Troy suddenly broke the silence with his usual interest it always did get the best of him. His blue eyes observed the girl closely.

"What do you think?" She asked keeping herself focused on her surroundings.

"I can't read minds" he simply stated his hands at the ready as he held his rifle.

"I thought that analysing would have told you" She smirked.

"You know, Em.." he said directing her to a pharmacy across the road "I'm starting to think we have more in common than I thought."

Now this time left Emmy wondering as her eyebrows furrowed watching the young man nudge the door enough for it to cause a rustling to attract anything inside. "Why is that?"

A smirk formed at her question as he kept watch through the glass of the deserted store "You and I" his voice fell low almost a whisper "we are willing to do whatever we have to, to get what we want" he spoke before pushing open the door and walking in, raising his rifle to eye level as he scanned the store. Emmy followed a grip so tight on her knife that the knuckles of her hand turned white.

"Oh, and you learnt this off your keen observation skills" she laughed to herself as she began wandering down one of the aisles. Her eyes scanning over the shelves.

His tongue ran across the inside of his cheek as he turned in the opposite direction to her "Maybe" he simply replied.

"Sometimes Troy we don't do things because of manipulation sometimes it's solely off of emotions and feelings. We don't always act or do things logically... Hell or rationally" she continued to wander the heels of her boots tapping against the linoleum "Sometimes we act from anger, fear... Sadness, joy.." Emmy spoke her dark eyes focused on her task.

"It's bullshit" he scoffed.

"It's not bullshit" Emmy insisted turning around to face the blue-eyed young man.

"Alright," he turned as though to challenge her. Apart of him knew he could trap her in one way or another to get the answers he wanted he only needed to say the right thing "then what were you feeling when you've had my back?" His voice was soft but it usually was. For someone who could act so harshly and erratic his voice never matched his actions it was still so boyish even when he would shout it would still heighten in pitch and crack. His blue eyes stared down at the girl waiting but seeming impatient on the matter. Emmy opened her mouth to speak but it was quickly cut off when a thud came from the back of the store. His finger was quick to come to his lips signalling for her to stay quiet as he readied his weapon to take on whatever he was met with. Careful steps he made across the floor while Emmy followed. Approaching the backroom of the pharmacy. The pair stood either side of the door as Troy took hold of the doorknob with caution pushing it open. The pair jumped back and stumbled when a large number of birds flapped frantically around in the room surprising them both.

"Shit," Emmy said and quickly closing the door back up and glanced at Troy before they both laughed at the sheer stupidity of the moment. "Friends..." she said suddenly.

"What?" He asked.

"We are friends right?" She gave a gentle smile.

"Yeah... Yeah, we can be friends" he replied oddly satisfied with that response.

"Come on... Let's keep looking"

The Killer In Me / Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now