Chapter Two: Part Nine

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Eyes were on Emmy as she stood back from the group it left her unsettled and nervous but not surprised

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Eyes were on Emmy as she stood back from the group it left her unsettled and nervous but not surprised. They wanted to know what happened that night but she would take this... She would take the looks, the whispers over the alternative. So the petite brunette stood leaning against the shovel, her fingers sitting in the handle, clutching at the splintering wood, sweat dripped down her dirty face from helping dig the six-foot hole. Emmy watched the funeral they held for the man she killed but the truth of it all she would take that to her grave.

"You sure you wanna help with the burial too?" Daniel turned to his daughter once the funeral was over "You look so tired darlin'" And she was. Emmy hadn't slept at all instead she had been up since before the sun had even peaked over the tree line helping dig the hole for the man's final resting place. The brunette couldn't help feeling she was the reason he was going into the hole she should at least help.

"I'm sure, dad and I'm not tired" Emmy gave a gentle smile as she lied through her perfect set of teeth. He reached out his hand and placed it on his young daughter's shoulder "Are you okay, Em?"

"I'm fine" Emmy answered simply.

"Some people here.." he gulped "some people haven't taken the news to well but they know you wouldn't hurt anyone unless you had to" Daniel reached out and brushed the sweat ridden strands of hair from Emmy's face.

"I can deal with it dad.." she gave another faint smile.

"I love you" he leaned closer and gently kissed her forehead.

"Love you too..."

"Need a hand?" Brady interjected. Daniel simply gave the pair a nod before walking away.

"Well I can't do it alone" she looked to her best friend. The blonde already picking up a shovel.

"Who said you're doing it alone?" Kai spoke already holding a shovel also "plus I wouldn't mind watching you girls bent over for a while" he shot them both a wink causing both of the girls to groan.

"Really Kai?" Emmy simply shook her head.

"A man is dead" Brady added.

"And I am here for whatever you girls need in this time of grieving" both girls rolled their eyes "plus Alan was a dick... That's why your dad was the only one to speak at his funeral, Em. What were the rest of us going to say? Here lies an asshole, he insisted on making everyone's life miserable.."

"Wow, way to sugar coat it" Brady gave the young man a glare with her emerald eyes.

"It's the truth" Kai simply shrugging it off as he walked over to the grave.

"Hey..." Brady took a hold of the small brunettes upper arm before she could walk away "why was he out there?" she questioned her voice low as she nudged her head towards Troy.

"He was heading out for his shift on guard duty" Emmy couldn't help herself but follow Brady's gaze to the wavy-haired ash blonde as he was on his way out to help in the fields.

"Why was Alan after him so bad huh?" Brady asked still speaking lowly.

"I don't know.. I don't know, Brady" Emmy spoke. She remembered Alan's words about Troy but that wasn't something she was going to share.

"I guess these are things Alan has taken to his grave" Brady glanced to the deep hole in front of them.

"I guess so..." was all Emmy responded with "shouldn't you be up with Scott?" The brunette swiftly changed the subject.

"I will go up after this... My best friend needs me too" Brady gave a comforting smile the only one that could provide this for Emmy.

"Am I going to do this alone or what guys? I mean if you guys are gonna make out I can do it alone..." Kai rambled as he stood up a hand perched on his shovel.

"You're disgusting" Brady commented before the two girls joined him at the side of the grave and helping bury the older man. Finally putting him to rest.


For the afternoon Emmy decided to help her father with the animals. He was the only veterinarian in the entire camp so he had a lot of responsibility with a whole farm worth of animal to care for. There were many people happy to help but today Emmy was one of those volunteers. Emmy was never as good with animals as she was with people. Sure she loved animals after all What wasn't to love? Their unquestioning dedications and love that was so pure but she just couldn't see herself in the same field as her father. Emmy grew up in a medical household though with Daniel being a vet and her mother Sarah a nurse and though neither of them pressured her into the medical field Emmy still loved it.

"You think the piglets will survive?" Emmy questioned her father as she leaned against one of the wooden posts by the pigpen. Newborn piglets suckling at their mother in the covered shed as Daniel looked the grown pig over.

"Why wouldn't they? They are well provided for" Daniel gave a pat to the mother pigs side before getting to his feet "plus their mother is very healthy. Seems we will be in a good supply of meat in the future..."

"You know pigs will eat an entire body besides the pelvis" she added with her large brown eyes focused on the pink, snorting animals in front of her.

"The things you think of, Emmaline" Daniel shook his head "you should really head home and get some rest.."

"Dad, I told you I'm not tired"

"And those tired eyes say otherwise. I know you haven't been sleeping" Daniel spoke resting his palms onto his knees for a moment to assist him to stand.

"Things have been busy around here" Emmy defended.

"Mm... And a lot of being busy is to do with your new friend?" Daniel spoke his brown iris's turning to his daughter from the corner of his eyes.

"Yes, I have a new friend dad. What is your point?" She questioned a furrowed brow now gracing her face.

"I'm happy for you to make new friends, Emmy just... Be careful"

"What does that mean?" Her eyes narrowed suddenly.

"I mean.. There has been a lot of drama Darling. Scott injured and now Alan" he let out a sigh rubbing a hand at his balding scalp "I just worry about you.."

"Dad..." she gave the man a small smile "you don't have to worry about me"

"I'm your dad, Em. It's my job" he replied before getting back to his work. Emmy loved her father he was the only biological family she had left but Emmy wasn't a child anymore and sometimes there were things better that her father didn't know.

"And dad" her dark eyes turned to meet her fathers gaze, " I think the piglets with survive too..."


Tada! Apparently, I had another chapter in me before I'm away for two weeks. Just a sweet chapter but sometimes we have to enjoy these small moments before another storm arises. Enjoy xx

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