Chapter Two: Part Eleven

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The truck bound and bounced over the terrain

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The truck bound and bounced over the terrain. Emmy held a single hand onto the top of the open window frame to steady herself in the passenger seat. Her brown eyes focused fiercely ahead but she could feel the occasional glance from the blue-eyed young man as his hands clutched tightly to the steering wheel as though about to pry the thing off however the wild driving seemed to give him some sort of satisfaction as he couldn't hide the smirk across his face. The petite brunette remained neutral in appearance. No hint of emotion on her face, pouty pink lips pulled tightly together and wide brown eyes focused ahead ignoring every gaze he shot her way.

"Are you gonna say anything?" he suddenly inquired.


"Come on, Em" he spoke "when are you going to get over this" those blue orbs lingering on her for only a moment once again.

"Troy, it's not like I accidentally killed a pot plant" she let out a sigh still not being able to bring herself to face him "I murdered someone."

"Yeah, and it's a tough world" he gave a careless shrug "Sometimes you got to take out the assholes."

"And what? Is that how you view it?" her brow suddenly furrowed and she finally brought her dark gaze upon the ash blonde.

"I don't, it happened. Done and dusted simple as that" he dismissed it so easily as though taking a pebble from his shoe.

"Well it isn't that simple for me" her voice fell soft as though the topic seemed to waver her confidence.

"And why's that?" he looked from the corner of his eyes.

"It just isn't, Troy. I can't just shrug it off like it doesn't matter... Do you look at it that way with everything you've done? Everybody that you killed just an asshole getting what's coming to them?" she questioned turning slightly in her seat to face him.

"Mostly... Some are a means to an end. You got to do what you got to do, Em" his rationalising startled Emmy sometimes, he was so unpredictable in every sense of the word and it was making her nervous. Emmy left it at that turning back to the front windshield and of course Troy took a mental note of her sudden silence "nothing to say?"

 Emmy left it at that turning back to the front windshield and of course Troy took a mental note of her sudden silence "nothing to say?"

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The Killer In Me / Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now