Chapter Three: Part Twelve

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Her mind was restless, stirring on the uncomfortable armchair while the itchy fabric rubbed against the bare parts of her skin, her legs dangled over the armrest while her head leaned against the stiff back but her mind replayed the night. As usual no one else knew what had happened and she wouldn't dare tell. Emmy was mad that was for sure, Troy had a way of infuriating the brunette to no end but at the same time intrigued her which had become a vicious cycle for the last two months and once again they were back to where they started. Her dark eyes almost looked black as the shadows in the darkness of the room surrounded her. Soft snores and mumbling filled the air from the rest of the sleeping group as she turned her gaze Emmy wondered sometimes how Troy could sleep so soundly and undisturbed from the nightmares he's lived and caused now it didn't bother her more made her curious how some could remain so unaffected yet others tremble. Human nature was a never-ending wonder.

When she left the boys in the bathroom Emmy had hoped to get some sleep. It was catching up on her the restlessness, eyes always seeming darker while carrying the heavy circles under her eyes but no matter what sleep never seemed to come. She watched as Kai came back and dropped down onto the floor like a sack of potatoes muttering in his sleep as if the boy didn't have an off switch to his mouth while Troy had cautiously entered settling himself onto the floor also neither of them exchanging a single word only silent glances of irritation from their disagreement until he finally drifted off leaving the tiny brunette stuck with her thoughts.


By the time the morning came, it had only felt like she had closed her eyes for a single moment before they shot open once again with a sudden thought crossing her mind. The others were still asleep and it seemed the sun was barely lighting the sky but Emmy couldn't help herself. She was of curious nature and it was a clawing voice in her mind pestering her wanting answers and she had no choice but to give in. With a swift movement, she swung her legs from the arm of the chair and planted them firmly on the ground but attempted to keep from making a sound as she stepped carefully to Troy. Crouching down beside him the ash-blonde was so much more vulnerable in his sleep even curled in the fetal position like a child. She reached out to tap his shoulder her finger poking at the soft fabric of his long sleeve shirt and into the firm skin underneath only a single tap caused him to wake. Eyes flying open suddenly revealing the baby blues the enlarged pupils like the size of saucers quickly shrinking in the lightness of the room while his hand abruptly caught her own after the single movement.

"What?" he practically growled.

"Take me" she requested causing confusion to set across his face "take me to where you found the people who sabotaged our truck."

"Why?" his voice held a gruff tone from the wake.

"Because I want you to" she was whispering trying not to wake anyone else.

"That isn't exactly a great reason, Em. I might need a bit more" his blue eyes were now focused and in the interest of the request.

"You went against the plan, Troy Otto plus you already owe me" her eyes were narrowed on the ash blonde and her lips pulled tightly he knew she was serious but he wasn't exactly clear why.

"Fine... Fine. I will take you. We go in check it and come back. Clear?" his tone swiftly switched to a firm one.

"hmm... Didn't I make myself clear yesterday and you didn't follow orders. Get up, Otto we are going out and you better play by my rules" she didn't give him the chance to reply instead standing herself up and leaving not giving Troy time to argue.


He followed her like she anticipated he would. Fixing his jacket over his shoulders a Troy met her by the entrance while she stood waiting patiently beside the door.

 Fixing his jacket over his shoulders a Troy met her by the entrance while she stood waiting patiently beside the door

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"If you had listened yesterday we wouldn't have to do this now" was the first thing she said. Her voice a whisper but the tone holding a harshness.

"And I told you I handled it" he spoke hands clutching to his hips as though waiting for them to continue arguing.

"You shouldn't have handled it alone even if you could. We could have gotten answers from why and what they were doing" in response to his posture it was as though she automatically responded with her arms folding over her chest.

"So what is the plan now? You suddenly interested in the dead?" his head tilting waiting for a response.

"I don't really owe you an explanation do I?" she spoke causing him to scoff at her words "plus we are wasting time with all the chatting."

He let out a chuckle "you should have thought of that before starting your argument."

"Fine" she growled "then we are done talking" Emmy huffed and opened the door leading them into the street. Stars still remained in the sky as the sun was barely shining between the alleys of the buildings " alright. Fierce hunter" she mocked "lead the way." he shot her an irritated look before nudging his head for Emmy to follow. Usually, Emmy wasn't so short with him but something in her had began bubbling over perhaps knowing what his done or simply holding the secrets of it all or even him not following her instruction maybe it was all of it together whatever it was Emmy was annoyed, she was frustrated and she wasn't going to ignore Troy's existence as she had done in the past no Emmy was far too irritated with the young man that he would now have to face to the toll everything had taken on the brunette.

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