Chapter Three: Part Nine

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"Alright, Let's move out" Troy instructed his hand gesturing for four to hold off the opposite side of the doorway while three with him to cover more ground "Em, with me this time" he spoke lowly to the brunette

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"Alright, Let's move out" Troy instructed his hand gesturing for four to hold off the opposite side of the doorway while three with him to cover more ground "Em, with me this time" he spoke lowly to the brunette. His blue eyes holding on her for confirmation before she finally gave a single nod of her head. They split off Daisy leading the other four at one side of the doors while Troy held the other, their weapons firmly while their guns aside trying to draw as little attention as possible. The entrance was only across from them with a few strangling dead in the way a simple enough escape until the heavy step of feet was becoming closer and the groaning was filling the air it was clear more were on their way. Any normal day a shopping centre is full of people and they still weren't sure how many were in the large building with them but the number certainly wasn't anything promising.

Acknowledging the sound and watching as the scraggly forms began to emerge from the main walkway. Troy held up his hand to stop "hold up, hold up" he spoke. The bright blue orbs searching the surroundings in front of them every nook seemed to be taken into his deep observations.

"They would have followed the gunfire" Emmy whispered to the ash blonde who simply gave a nod in agreement.

"Any volunteers to check it out?" Kai spoke softly but loud enough for everyone to hear him.

"I'll go" Chris spoke carelessly. He didn't seem phased much on the matter. They needed a solid plan if they left the store. It was tucked away between two other stores which left the main walkway of the shopping complex left in a blind spot but more and more dead seemed to emerge from behind the wall that hid them from view.

"We don't need someone to run out and check" Emmy spoke her voice held firm on the matter "we should just exit through the delivery area it's a lower risk than making a blind run."

"If we go out the entrance we will be leading them straight out into the street" his eyebrows were quick to furrow as his lips pressed together "this place will be burned and we will have no other place to check for supplies here. The trip would be pointless" the ash-blonde explained.

"Delivery area it is then?" Emmy questioned.

"Alright... Head to the back. Survey the area we leave out the drop off" Troy ordered simply enough everyone obliged to follow his order.

The group ran through the aisles of now seemingly pointless objects, each of their feet pounded against the tiles towards the exit of the store. The large grey double doors opened with a simple push leading them into an unsettling cement hallway that led them into the back where shipments were delivered. Before exiting into the open area they stood at the doors looking through the small windows of the doors trying to get some idea of what they would be walking in to. Two trucks sitting partially unpacked with some boxes scattered and fallen across the cement giving an idea of what had happened the day everything changed at least for the people here. Blood so old now it had turned to almost black was splattered across the floor like a poorly done painting.

"Alright let's move" Troy ordered. As soon as the words were spoken the eight of them trampled out onto the platform and down the ramp taking in all the sights and sounds. With the exit wide open inlet in some fresh air, helping settle the stale almost suffocating smell of death.

"Clear?" Chris questioned as he and Daisy wandered further down by the trucks.

"Clear" everyone else confirmed observing the place. No dead seemed to be around, not even one lingering just the remnants left that there once was death there but nothing more.

"Keep moving" Troy signalled for the exit. Majority of the eight pulled out their guns ready to fire as the moved out the rear of the building into the loading zones. Cautiously making their way back out onto the streets.

"Should we block off the entrance? If they are making their way through the place we should probably block it off. We are still searching if they make their way out while we are here" Emmy explained her thoughts to the group as they walked the road.

"Alright, alright. Kai, Jay double back to grab one of the trucks from the drop and park it out front" Troy ordered while the others went to the entrance to watch over the doors. Emmy readjusted her grip on her hunting knife repeatedly trying to get the best grip while she had to hold it in her wounded hand. Chris Troy and Daisy stood armed with rifles pointed at the doorway in preparation. They kept enough distance from the doorway for the truck to pass by but the plan went easily enough. The truck parked covering the front doors and the group were on their way to search the rest of the town for supplies.

Groups of four set off each end of the main street. Searching through whatever they could find. Emmy was already tired from everything that had happened in the shopping centre but the brunette was going to show it, they were all tired after all but they had a job to do and she was determined to get it done. Her boots tapped against the sidewalk observing each place they passed by whether it was worth exploring further but she stopped suddenly in front of a store Chris hadn't seemed to notice as he continued looking around.

"Chris" she called for him. The young teenager was quick to turn his attention to the brunette once he heard his name. Emmy stood with a smirk on her lips nudging her head to the store beside her seeming so childlike about it. Of course, her eyes lit up when she laid her chestnut eyes on a candy store.

"Em, we are meant to be finding things we need."

"We will..." she let out a heavy breath "It has been a shitty morning Chris. Come on" that sigh threatening to cause a frown to form was forced into a half-hearted smile "we live in a world where the dead walk... Don't we have to seize the opportunity of something good when we can" Emmy stepped closer to the door and with a simple yank pulled it open.

"GUYS!" the sound of Kai's voice shouting caught them off guard. Clearly, the pleasure of sweets would have to wait as the found themselves running across the street to the alleyway to find Kai and Daisy standing by the truck one of the first few times Kai had looked serious.

"What's wrong?" Emmy asked as soon as they were close.

"We finished up and we were about to pull the truck around the front but the damn thing isn't starting" Kai growled his hands forcefully lifting the hood.

"What does that mean?"

"It means to settle in... Cause we aren't leaving till it's fixed..."

The Killer In Me / Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now