Chapter Three: Part One

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It had been a month since all the drama, Alan and Scott's deaths

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It had been a month since all the drama, Alan and Scott's deaths. Things had been calm around the camp and with the quiet came a chill in the air the warmer weather had disappeared and now a gentle breeze was welcoming each day instead of the relentless heat. Clothes had now thickened to jumpers and jackets which Emmy was happy to welcome. Her usually porcelain skin no longer cracking and peeling, the aching of her red burning flesh finally gone and replaced with a coolness.

It was still dark out, shadows cast across the land as the sun only just began to appear. Streaks of colour now gracing the sky but Emmy was already up readying herself for the day, her fingers clutched onto the straps of her backpack as she approached the trucks. Parked in their usual spot by the front gates.

"Good morning princess, ready for today?" Kai shot her a wink in his usual playful manner. As he stood on the passenger seat of the truck his arms resting on the roof while a single finger absentmindedly picked at the peeling paint he was already full of energy.

"Ready as I'll ever be" Emmy replied but she was actually excited. For the first time, they were taking a trip further out. Something that didn't seem exciting with the dangers that lurked around every corner but sometimes things out of their usual routines was a nice change to the day. When they had settled in the small town outside of Pheonix they never wanted to go further out but times were hard and supplied were at times scarce. They were just lucky to have not lost any livestock during the summer heat.

"That's what I like to hear gorgeous. We are heading out for a big day so you need to be ready" Kai spoke his eyebrows furrowed causing creases to deepen in his forehead as he pointed a very serious finger at Emmy.

"A very big day. Are you sure you want to go?" Daniel suddenly spoke causing Emmy to turn around in surprise of the sound of her father.

"I'm the only other person besides Doc here that can identify what medical supplies we will need, dad" Emmy explained "Doc has her qualifications and can take care of everyone here. We can't risk our actual doctor."

"Em..." a hand brushing over his balding scalp a nervous habit he always had "I just worry."

"It's all been planned out

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"It's all been planned out. Five hours up, two hours check out, all meet back at the trucks. We all have radios on if need be" Troy explained as he walked past the pair a backpack on his back and a duffle in his clutch.

"I know..."

"We all agreed on the trip dad and we have planned it carefully" Emmy spoke her voice soft trying to calm her father. After all this time still the nervous father.

"Yeah for a blondie Troy boy is good at plannin'" Kai flashed a wide smile.

"You're blonde too idiot" Emmy simply rolled her eyes.

Kai ran his tattooed fingers through his thick head of hair "Oh yeah..." he let out a laugh amused at himself.

"Kai..." Daniel spoke a look of concern written all over his face.

"Dad, it's fine. Don't worry" Emmy smiled, her usual thin smile. It didn't reveal any teeth but it was a sort of comforting smile she always gave to make someone feel better.

"We better head out" Troy directed his gaze to the rising sun in the distance "suns gonna be up soon and we will be behind schedule" Troy glanced to the watch on his wrist as though it had some sort of significance.

"Aye, aye captain" Kai joked mocking a salute to the ash blonde who snorted at Kai's actions. The rest of the group began piling into the truck. It was the first trip with the armoured truck, it had been converted to look like a sort of snowplough it has been Kai's project since they had found it months ago.

"Be careful" Daniel said wrapping his arms around the girl and hugging her tightly. Every time her father hugged her Emmy always felt he was holding on like it would be the last time.

"I always am aren't I" she welcomed her father's embrace before pulling away and giving a wide smile. Emmy turned watching as four of the group climbed onto what used to be the bed of the truck that was now closed off with caging put over it metal panels lining the cage to keep it covered overall Kai had done a decent job on the vehicle.

"Em!" Brady called running along the path towards the brunette who was now making her way to the truck.

"Come on we are burning daylight!" Troy instructed from the driver's seat.

"Just a minute!" Emmy shouted to the ash blonde as she waited for her friend.

"I need to talk to you before you went" Brady spoke once she caught up to the brunette.

"What is it Brae?"

"I need you to get something" Brady held a small folded piece of paper for the shorter girl who quickly took it.

"It must be something seriously important, you never usually ask for anything" Emmy spoke unfolding the paper.

"You could say that..." Brady bit at her lower lip watching her best friends brown eyes widen as they scanned the paper.


"I know..."

"I don't know if I can..."

"Please Em please if you can. Please" the blonde was practically begging.

Her eyes hadn't left the paper in her hand her mind wasn't able to wrap around what was written on it "Em, come on we got to move" Troy's shouting interrupted her train of thought.

"Em..." the large emerald eyes of Brady were pleading with the brunette who finally folded the paper back up and stuff it into the pocket of her denim jacket.

"I promise I will find it" Emmy shifted her gaze to Brady giving her a small smile but the blonde couldn't seem to reciprocate.

"Em, come on! Troy boy is getting his panties in a twist" Kai shouted.

"I better go" Emmy reached out placing a hand on her friend's shoulder "I will be back tonight with it I promise" and with that Emmy left getting into the truck and ready for the long five-hour drive ahead.


Welcome to chapter three everyone! Prepare for a wild ride ahead cause this is just the beginning. Xx

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