Chapter Two: Part Eight

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Emmy's breath was heavy and panted by the time she got to her and her fathers home

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Emmy's breath was heavy and panted by the time she got to her and her fathers home. A light coating of sweat glistened her skin, the strands of brunette waves sticking to her pale flesh. "Dad!" she shouted, she didn't care if she woke everyone frankly the more of a scene was for the better. More believable than her actually cold and calculating cover-up of a murder.. Which is what it was plain and simple. Though she wasn't deprived of emotions Emmy, did feel and deeply but she also had to be smart and think things through. Alan's death had left an ache in her stomach, not enough to bother her greatly but enough to cause some discomfort all of which she had to ignore, at that moment she had to lie, put on her best front. It wasn't as though she hadn't lied before but it felt different a little dirty almost.

"Em? Emmaline?" Daniel shouted in a panic. He was rushing down the staircase when she got to the house. His tracksuit pants on with a simple t-shirt it was what he usually wore to bed. His dark eyes were still heavy and barely open.

"Dad..." she spoke between panted breaths "Dad... Something happened..."

Daniel looked at his daughter nervously. His brown orbs full of worry "What happened?"

"Alan, he turned. He was bitten and turned" she explained leaving him with a horrified look on his face.

"Where is he now?"

"In the backfield. He's dead" her gaze fell to the floor "I'm so sorry" Daniel was quick to embrace his daughter. Before he let the girl lead him to the now lifeless body of Alan.


A heavy sigh and a brush of his palm over his balding scalp Daniel stood across from the body. Brady stood beside Emmy with an arm around her shoulder to provide some sort of comfort as the rest of the group had come out to see the commotion. Daniel had instructed some of the others to get something to cover him over. Emmy could feel eyes glancing at her from time to time questioning what had happened, why it happened.

"He was bitten... He was bitten and told no one" Daniel shook his head "Alan was a good man though he was troubled at times that is no excuse. We cannot put each other at risk like this and tonight is proof of this... Two people" Daniel's gaze turned to Emmy then to Troy "were almost killed tonight let's make sure that doesn't happen again" another heavy sigh as he turns his gaze to the rest of the group "Take him to the infirmary, for now, Doc with look him over... We will bury him at first light" and with that Daniel dismissed everyone. There were tears and sniffles amongst the group as it dispersed.

"Are you okay?" Brady held a softened voice as she rubbed the upper arm of her friend in comfort.

"Yeah... I'm okay. I better get back to the infirmary though" Emmy spoke clearing the sudden dryness of her throat.

"No... Em it's been a long night you head back home" Brady replied.

"I got to give Troy some stitches and clean him up anyway. You go back and sleep okay" Emmy gave the blonde a small smile before nudging her head for Troy to go to the clinic.

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