Chapter Two: Part Thirteen

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Lugging the heavy toolbox along the fence line she had made it all the way to the fields

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Lugging the heavy toolbox along the fence line she had made it all the way to the fields. Water was being pumped through the sprinker system. Which was really some pipes with holes drilled through them and smaller pipes attached laying throughout the field to water the crops since the actual water line wasn't working anymore either way it was some relief to Emmy as moisture hit the air providing some sort of cooling. The petite brunette had remained alone in the back fields, tensions were running too high between herself and Troy to ride with him and she preferred to finish the job she started.

The pale skin which she usually had was now crisp and practically glowing red from the harsh sun rays that had burned her, her plump lips were dry and chapped causing the brunette to constantly lick at them but she had succeeded, Emmy had patched what she could providing a safer wall for the group, her home. As she tossed the last of the tools into the metal box, red paint of it chipping and pealing a noise caught her ears. The engine of a truck roared across the dirt path. Emmy put a hand to her forehead trying to shield her eyes from the sunlight as she attempted to watch where the truck was heading. It sped and bounded over the uneven ground.

"Hello their gorgeous" her eyes automatically rolled hearing the gruff voice of Kai as he pulled the truck to a stop a few feet from the girl.

"What are you doing here?"

"Troy boy said you were still up here and you wouldn't come back with him that you were quote 'being a pain in the ass'. Having some problems with lover boy?" Kai flashed a wide smile as he leaned out of the drivers side window.

"It isnt..." she shook her head "it isn't like that."

"Oh so I am in for a chance" he shot the girl a wink.

"Is that why you came up here? To annoy me?" Emmy's arms were quick to fold over her chest as she faced the truck.

"I came up here to get your stubborn ass. Come on girl get in the truck. I don't have all day" he went to slip back into the truck but hesitated "unless you wanna stay up here alone and make-out. I will leave it up to you" he grinned once more before sitting himself back into his seat.

"Not if you were the last person on earth" Emmy cringed at the thought.

"We are lookin' at the end of days could as well end up just you and me" he shot another wink but Emmy laughed. No matter the time or her mood Kai had a way of making her laugh something she did appreciate from the blonde. In such dark times the young man could keep his sense of humour.

"Thanks Kai I needed a laugh" Emmy spoke between chuckles as she lifted the tool box with a struggle and began carrying it to the truck.

"Im glad the thought of kissing me is so funny" Kai pouted.

"Dont pretend to be so insulted" the brunette said once she got herself seated in the passenger seat.

"Who is pretending?" Kai turned to her one she was in her seat with his lower lip sticking out but Emmy just shook her head. "Here" he said suddenly his tone taking a more serious turn as he held out a bottle of water for her.

"Thanks" a thin smile curled on her lips as she took the bottle from his grip.

"You are as red as a damn tomato" he chuckled looking the brunette over before starting up the truck.

"At least I got the work done"

"At least you got the work done... And looking to put yourself in the infirmary" he replied as his eyes focused on the dirt track ahead "what is wrong with you? And I know there are a heap of other people you would wanna talk to first about this but I'm here and I'm asking?"

"You're being weirdly serious" she raised a single unkept eyebrow in his direction.

"It's a serious question. So what the hell is wrong?" She didn't know what to say. Her brown eyes darted nervously at his question and her fingers began to pick at one another not sure what to say, not sure how to respond. "Even in a shitty world like this you always look hot but lately you've been lookin' like shit."

"Gee thanks for he compliment" Emmy crossed her arms over her slender chest.

"You know I would tap that still" he winked.

"And serious moment over" she scoffed her eyes remained focused infront of them.

"I was serious though, Em. What's wrong?" The dark blue orbs turning to look out the corner of his eyes to her but she remained still.

"Nothing" was all she said not willing to share her secrets with the blonde.

"I never thought I would see the day"

"What day?"

"The day you started lying..."


Things were quiet back at camp, it was later in the afternoon now. The suns heat was fading as it began its descent towards the tree line so a dark cooling shadow had cast across the campgrounds. As the truck came to a stop she was quick to jump out not giving Kai the chance to say another word as she slammed the door.

"A pleasure as always! Always happy to drive you around Miss Daisy" he shouted out the window but Emmy was quick to walk away deciding she would pay a visit to Brady who she already knew was in the infirmary.



Pushing open the door she was faced with Brady standing over Scott. Her long finger brushing back the strands of hair from his face. She was lucky despite the circumstances at that moment Brady had been lucky to meet someone she cared for so deeply in a world gone mad.

"Hey Em" Brady replied but didn't turn to face the brunette but a clear smile was gracing her lips.

"Is everything okay?" Emmy asked as she stepped closer.

"Is everything okay?" Emmy asked as she stepped closer

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"Emmy look..." Brady pointed the wiggling and flexing of Scott's fingers then finally a flinch of his head "he's waking up..."

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