Chapter Three: Part Four

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The shadows engulfed the pair as they walked across the floor. Boots tapping against the smoothed cement with each step they took. Kai nudged Emmy with his elbow signalling for her to follow his gaze to crates of stockpiled up while some knocked over and smashed across the floor the rest were sitting as though ready for transport clearly still remaining from when the sickness broke out, almost as though life had stood still.

"Anything good I wonder" Kai spoke as he wandered closer his oval eyes scanning the piles.

"What about that?" Emmy questioned signalling towards the semi-truck sitting by the large roller doors.

"We might get lucky huh?" Kai spoke as he approached the white painted metal door of the trailer on the truck. His unsteady hand reaching for the handle. The pair stood by listening closely for anything inside while Emmy reached out and tapped a single hand to the cool metal, listening as it echoed inside but no noise came after to the pairs relief so with a single push Kai opened the door but left the two in disappointment with them being faced with an empty trailer.

"Guess we are moving on" Emmy stated as her darkened orbs trailed the empty vehicle.

"Ah just dreamin' of opening that trailer and a nice cold beer sitting in there, plate of Buffalo wings and a sexy honey waiting for me" Kai spoke as let his head fall back for his eyes to wander to the ceiling.

"Ah just dreamin' of opening that trailer and a nice cold beer sitting in there, plate of Buffalo wings and a sexy honey waiting for me" Kai spoke as let his head fall back for his eyes to wander to the ceiling

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"Keep dreaming" Emmy scoffed as she began making her way to the platform where the stock was put to be loaded.

"What would you wish for huh? A sexy honey of your own?" he shot her a playful smile deepening the dimple on the pale skin of his cheek before tilting his head side to side to crack his neck while following the brunette's movements.

"I don't know what I would wish for... Even if I did it wouldn't be able to fit in the back of the truck cause hoping for everything to go back to normal isn't going to happen" Emmy explained.

"Damn girl. I'm talking about something simple not a world peace sort of deal" Kai spoke his fingers clutching the railings before with ease and swift movement he pulled himself up onto the platform.

"I don't know... If it was anything..." her brown eyes wandered back to the trailer as though envisioning it "my mum... My mum alive."

"Damn Em way to go deep" Kai extended his hand to help the shorter girl up but she was quick to dismiss him and swung her smaller framed body up.

"You asked.."

"Yeah, but I thought it would be a night with a sexy model or something" he gave a careless shrug before the pair started moving to the door. Two large swinging doors leading into a long dark hallway even if they weren't in a world where the dead had risen the scene in front of them was already something from a horror film. With his gun ready Kai and a single shove pushing open the door entering followed by Emmy the plastic flaps swinging behind them grazing their skin as they passed. It was quiet in an eerie uncomfortable sense, there were long groans in the distance but nothing too concerning for the pair as they slowly stepped along the hall. At some point, the generators had kicked after the power had failed with the dull light that flickered overhead. When they got to the other door the two prepared themselves for what was on the other side as it would lead into the shopping complex.

"Are you ready for this?" Kai questioned as he crouched down in front of the worn out door. It had been there so long the wear marks on the cemented floor were so deep from where it had opened over the years.

"Kind of have to be don't I?" Emmy gave a half-hearted smile.

"That's the spirit" he gave the girl his usual playful wink before deciding to surveil their surroundings. Barely a crack he opened the door to peer out checking out the area.

"How many out there?" Emmy questioned as she sat crouched down beside him her hands resting on the jeans covering her bent knees.

"Not many but I can't see around the aisles... Fuck x-ray vision would be cool right now. We just need to get around a couple then out of the supermarket" Kai spoke before his lips pursed and tightened together as though thinking the plan through.

"Okay..." Emmy gave a nod of her head causing the brunette hair tied back to bounce tickling the nape of her neck "tell me when you're ready" she held her knife tightly in her grip preparing herself for what was to come.

"Alright" Kai jumped up to stand letting out a long breath into the cool air of the hallway.

"Let's go" Emmy replied following suit and both of them making their way from the room as soon as their feet hit the tiles of the produce section it caught the dead's immediate attention. Kai was quick with his machete taking out whatever came his way while Emmy was cautious of her steps watching closely to her surrounding. The smell of old rotting vegetables mixed with rotting flesh wasn't pleasant as it filled the air but it was something to adjust to as the pair were quick into action marching through the aisle and trying to get themselves out of the store. They were lucky there weren't many hanging around the area only dropping about seven between them before they got to the front. Some of the registers bloody, even a long drag mark of old now blackened blood stained one of the aisles, a lady still in uniform slumped over her register practically in skeletal form. This was everywhere a site the two had seen one too many times before and could ignore at this point. As they got to the entrance most of the roller shutters were closed as though in one last attempt to save themselves from whoever had been left in the place however it wasn't successful with no sign of life in the place.

"Well fuck me" was the first words from Kai's mouth when they were greeted with the obstacle in front of them. The dead roamed aimlessly around the shopping complex more than the pair could count. Vacant eyes and shuffling feet against the once glossy white tiles while Emmy eyed the situation she couldn't help but see it a pharmacy, the shutters open enough for them to slip under.

"We can do this.."

"That's what we are gonna do today? We're gonna die?" Kai spoke with an eyebrow raised at the short brunette.

"We can do this, Kai" Emmy replied as her dark eyes scanned the surroundings.

"You got a suicide wish girl or what?..."

"We aren't going to die" Emmy dismissed.

"Oh please enlighten me?"

"I have a plan..."

The Killer In Me / Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now