Chapter One: Part Six

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"He can help me with my chores" Emmy rolled her chestnut eyes fed up with another argument about the newcomer

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"He can help me with my chores" Emmy rolled her chestnut eyes fed up with another argument about the newcomer. Troy Otto had only been there two days and there had already been several arguments over the somewhat strange young man. She didn't dare tell anyone what happened with Troy and Chris hadn't said anything either it was a secret they would keep from the others.

"No, no way, Em. Not gonna happen" Daniel spoke sternly as he looked to the girl in disapproval. As much as he was on her side with the matter he couldn't even fathom the chance of losing his daughter now after he had lost so much.

"Why? No one else will work with him, I'm never alone, Doc is at the infirmary, Brady and Scott are usually around and I'm the reason he is here" Emmy argued. She had always been stubborn and determined.

"She is right. She is the one who wanted him here" Alan agreed folding his arms over his slim chest.

"Shut it. There is no way my daughter is going to be the one babysitting when we don't know this person" Daniel spoke through narrowed eyes.

"Dad, it's my responsibility. I'm the one who fought to keep him here" Emmy tried to explain but her father was far from reasonable on the subject.

"I agreed to have him here too, Em" her father stood on the porch leaning his shoulder onto one of the beams.

"I will be there. I can keep an eye out" Brady suddenly interjected giving Emmy a slight supportive smile. Emmy knew her friend still held a lot of concern though.

"Brady.." Daniel let out a long sigh through his nose as he looked to the two teens.

"Still, we are here in our home, Dad. Everyone is always around if something happens and I am saying a big 'if' you are all here" Emmy just wanted to help. Even when she was a little girl she dreamed of becoming a doctor to help people a dream long time dead.

"I will be there sir" Scott suddenly spoke up giving the girls a side glance. They were two of the people he had grown closest too since arriving, he also understood what it was like to be the newest member of the group.

"Thank you" Emmy mouth giving a small smile to the man. He had been with them a few months but always had her back.

"Alright..." Daniel says hesitantly "Alright only with Scott there and until we see if we can trust the man understand" Daniel's dark eyes in a similar colour to Emmy's were focused on the eighteen-year-old who firmly nodded in agreement. Before turning away from the group.

"What have you gotten us into?" Brady groaned as she spoke in almost a whisper looking to her friend in concern.

"It's going to be okay, Brady. Why have we become so distrustful" Emmy questioned causing Brady to look at her as though she were insane.

"We live in a world where the dead walk around and people kill people, Em. Kind of puts a damper on the world peace thing you are hoping for" Brady took on her usual sarcastic tone.

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