Chapter Three: Part Thirteen

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They walked in silence along the road watching the sunrise as it cast its rays of light across the land. Carelessly they took out dead that wandered in their path as Troy led her along. Emmy's boots tapped against the tar of the road with each heavy step and she concentrated on the task at hand. Troy didn't lie when he said it wasn't far from where they had left the truck maybe an extra ten or fifteen-minute walk before he showed Emmy his handy work. Three bodies on the grass, blood staining the lush green. It had once been a private residence but now just another abandoned property haunted with ghosts of what it once was. Emmy's dark eyes trailed over the corpses one stabbed through the ear, one throat slashed then stabbed through the head and the other seeming to be more difficult with several injuries but her focus didn't remain long on them it was quick to turn to the surroundings.

"Did you search the area?" Emmy suddenly asked her eyes continuing to survey the area.

"No, I dealt with the threat" Troy simply answered.

"Alright" Emmy didn't utter another word just began searching the dead not seeming to be phased rolling the bodies around like potato sacks as she rifled through their pockets and clothing.

"Nothing.." Troy spoke after finishing his own search.

"Well we need to be sure that they don't have a group that could be a problem.. I just..." Emmy let out a sigh of annoyance "what were you thinking.."

"We have to protect the group don't we," he said as though it was the simplest explanation.

"We protect our group by following orders and working together" Emmy stood suddenly her arms suddenly folding over her slender chest making her anger obvious "I don't know how long you were alone out there but you should remember how group runs if you become a danger to the group Troy..." she trailed off one hand suddenly moving to rake her fingers through the thick waves of hair.

"Then what? Hmm..." that was quick to attract the ash blondes attention as his blue iris's focused on the petite girl in front of him "I know you won't kill me, you've had plenty of chances but here we are."

"I never said I would kill you" she snapped as though the idea was ridiculous "I could leave you though... Out on your own once again or is that just asking for problems since the last place that did that?"

The question caught him off guard and she could see it but it was quick to cover it with a hardened expression "That was different."

"Yeah, it was

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"Yeah, it was... You knew all those people your whole like and left them to die like they were nothing yet here you are talking about protecting my group" Emmy practically scoffed at the idea.

"What did you just say?"

"I'm sure you heard me" she snapped.

"Hey" he barked at her with Troy's long strides It was easy to approach her within a few steps. Ice blue eyes meeting the warmth of her chocolate coloured ones that refused to back down from him. Troy had never seen her so hostile she was friendly, caring and if she was annoyed she would ignore him but the anger and fury that seemed to burn within her. Troy was quite void of emotion but anger he knew well it had been his best friend and worst enemy he knew it well and the look on Emmy's face was the face he had seen his whole life from all that surrounded him if the boy looked any closer he was sure he would see that disappointment the look his brother and father had held often but something about this stirred and irritated Troy "that ranch was my home, Em they all knew me my whole life too and I certainly didn't see anyone else lining up to protect the place. It was mine and I wasn't standing by and watching as it was taken."

"You sound like a child... Another kid tried to take your toy so instead, you destroyed it so they couldn't have it but guess what you couldn't have it either" Emmy didn't shy away not this time her eyes met his with a challenging glare.

He seemed to let out a light chuckle at her words "I made it so no one could have it."

"Doesn't make it any better" she let out a sigh relenting on this tactic "you know what I'm sorry" she suddenly said more words that caught him by surprise is all the girl seemed to do most of the time. His eyes narrowed sceptically about over the matter, however "that was a shitty move I'm pissed at you but that's your past and I wasn't there I shouldn't... I shouldn't of went there" the response wasn't expected Emmy was angry but it felt like she crossed a line. There was a sudden silence that hung in the air neither knowing what to say until crackling started and was quick to catch both of their attention.

"What is that?" Emmy questioned. Causing the pair to start searching. It cut in and out crackling and humming static in the silence before the two found a pick-up truck stashed away behind an old shed in the yard vines overrunning it making it barely recognisable.

"Guessing this is their truck" Em deduced stepping closer to the large vehicle "they had a truck but sabotaged ours and hid only a few blocks away..." Em's paranoia seemed to bubble and brew within her mind as her dark eyes began searching the area once again only for the brown orbs to land back on the truck as it crackled once again but it was different this time, clearer.

"Hello, guys. You there?" The voice came through clearly before dropping back to radio silence.

"Well, shit..."

The Killer In Me / Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now