Chapter Two: Part Fourteen

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How didn't they notice,

Too many distractions going on to see, to see his breath go unsteady and his heart take its final beat but it happened and everyone missed it. Emmy stood across from Brady. The smile faded and her hands flew to cover her gaping mouth as she struggled to hold back tears. Scott's eyes had opened and now revealed the vacant orbs that had been hidden under the lids, a sneer from his lips instead of words. Brady back away towards Emmy but the brunette was still in shock. and couldn't even move.

"No..." Brady whimpered as her boyfriend. The boy she had cared for so much was now groaning dragging his weak limps from the bed as the girls even struggled to react.

"Emmy! Em!" Kai called from the hallway. His voice echoing the silence of the room but neither of the girls could answer. They couldn't even pry their eyes away from Scott who was now dragging himself from the bed a groan on his drooling lips. "Yo Em! I got lover boy with me maybe you and him can kiss and make up" he began laughing outside the door that was until he opened it. The laughter silencing and the words seeming to catch in his throat. All three of them didn't seem to be able to move. They had fought so many of the dead, taken out people who had turned in the camp but somehow this seemed different but as soon as Troy saw he was the only one without hesitation.

"Move" he demanded of Kai who seemed to be in shock himself but Troy just barged through arming himself with the knife on his belt.

"No, no, no" Brady cried as she quickly turned to Emmy. The brunette wrapped her arms around the blonde trying her best to comfort her.

Scott's ankle had been cuffed to the bottom of the bed for safety measures which came in handy now as his lifeless body groaned and growled attempting to crawl off the bed those eyes full of nothingness staring at them wanting nothing more than to...

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Scott's ankle had been cuffed to the bottom of the bed for safety measures which came in handy now as his lifeless body groaned and growled attempting to crawl off the bed those eyes full of nothingness staring at them wanting nothing more than to devour each of them. Kai had moved closer and placed a gentle hand on Brady's quivering shoulder one of the very few times the smile was from Kai's face. The three stood by and watched as Troy walked over to the now snapping thing that was once Scott, so different from the once soft-hearted sweet human that had been inside that vessel. Emmy forcefully shut her eyes when Troy raised the knife letting the tears that had been threatening to spill finally making their way down her flushed cheeks. Her fingers clutched on Brady's knitted shirt. There was an awful noise that went through the room then silence before Emmy brought herself to open her eyes. Troy stood by the bed a bloody knife in his grip besides Scott blonde soaking through his strawberry blonde hair as vacant eyes stared at the ceiling.

Brady finally turned to look. It was only a second before she pulled away from Emmy and Kai. She let out a cry before running from the room. "I'll umm..." Kai stammered with his words "I'll go find her..." he cleared his throat before walking after the devastated blonde leaving Emmy and Troy standing there.

"Grab the sheet" Troy ordered.

"What?" she came out of her dazed mind to focus on what he was saying.

"Grab the sheet" he ordered again his piercing eyes on her waiting for her movement. With shaken legs, she hurried to the cupboard pulling out a sheet and making her way to the bed nervously. She couldn't bring her eyes from Scott's empty face. Eyes still staring, just empty as though there had been nothing in there at all. Emmy shook out the sheet while Troy grabbed the other end to cover him over "are you alright?" he was facing down but his eyes were looking up watching the brunette as she fixed the sheet to cover Scott's face.

"No..." she answered honestly as her nervous hands fidgeted with the edge of the white sheet "but is anyone."

"I didn't ask if anyone else was alright" he took a few steps back and crossed his arms over his slender chest," I asked if you were

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"I didn't ask if anyone else was alright" he took a few steps back and crossed his arms over his slender chest," I asked if you were."

"You're asking like you care" Emmy sighed slumping down onto the chair beside the bed her arms perched on her knees as her head rests on the palm of her hands.

"I mean we are friends right?" He questioned that blue gaze on her once again.

"I don't want to do this now" Emmy practically shouted at him sitting abruptly and letting her hands drop and slap against the chair with a bang.

"Do what?"

"This you and me. I don't want to do this... Fuck" she growled jumping up from the seat. The brunette began pacing, her feet stomping across the tiles before finally turning and kicking at the seat she was just on sending the plastic tumbling across the room "fuck, fuck, fuck."

"Hey, easy now" he held his hands up in a sort of surrendering motion.

"Everything is going to shit how can I go easy"  she let out a frustrated breath "look... Look at this" she exclaimed directing their attention to Scott "he is gone, like everyone else. Why are you even here? Why do you even care? You wanted to leave him just another fucking death to you right... Oh well" she gave a mocking shrug of her shoulder "who gives a shit" she picked up a pile of books from the desk her fierce grip on them sending her knuckles white before Emmy began throwing them in the ash blondes direction. Only two hit him which left him unphased as the others easily missed him. Troy stormed closer to the brunette is his usual hot-headed manner and grabbed her tightly to keep her still. Her arms pinned to her sides she relinquished the last book letting it drop to the floor.

"Take it easy, come on now" he spoke his voice low and quiet. It wasn't a hold of comfort like a hug but a restraint as the girl was held against him. She was too tired, she was to upset to fight him off so instead, she let herself be pressed against his chest.

"Let me go..." Emmy spoke but it came out so weak that she hated the sound. He stiffened for a moment and remained unmoved as though considering what to do before his arms loosened and she was quick to step away from her dark gaze on him as she shook her head "I need to go talk to my dad..." Emmy quickly turned away from Troy who simply turned to face the window as she went to the door "in future don't touch me" she barked at him once she got to the door.

"Well I was defending myself I have a right to do that" his eyes wandered out the window for a moment before turning back to her "I do what I have to..."

"I'm well aware that you do what you think you have to, Troy" her hands gripped the wood of the door as her eyes softened turning her attention back to Scott "if you will excuse me... I have to go talk to my dad..." and with that, she turned walking out the door and slamming the door closed behind her.

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