Chapter Two: Part Sixteen

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They held a bonfire that night

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They held a bonfire that night. The flames flickering against the darkness of the sky while embers of the flames drifted into the air. Emmy sat beside Brady who seemed to be entranced in the flames in front of them while her slender fingers fidgeted with one another anxiously until Emmy reached out and took ahold of one and in a simple movement enlacing their fingers. Her brown eyes watched the sky as she attempted to provide some form of comfort.

"You're not alone."

"Em... Forever the optimist" the blonde whispered adjusting herself on the log they were using as a seat.

"Someone has to be don't they. It's true though, Brae. Everyone is here, everyone has your back. I always have your back you know that" her smaller hand gave a gentle squeeze to the blondes as she spoke.

"I know you have my back..." she let out a heavy breath "it was a hard day today. I just didn't think I would lose Scott... He was so strong, he could take this world but here we are sitting around without him."

"He was strong but something catches you by surprise, sometimes accidents happen and it doesn't matter how tough you are" Emmy simply explained.

"Do you think my parents are alive?" Brady suddenly changed the subject her emerald eyes turning to her brunette friend.

"I don't know... Do you hope they are?"

"No... I mean apart of me does they are my parents but if they're not alive I don't feel that hurt... I don't feel how I feel about losing Scott" Brady sniffled.

"Biologically they were your parents, Brae but they weren't really" Emmy leaned over and placed a kiss to Brady's forehead "you will always have family... Like I said you're not alone."

"Thanks, Em" Brady spoke her fingers opening and slipping from Emmy's clutch before she let out a heavy breath as though at that moment the weight of the world sat on the blondes thin shoulders "I'm tired... I'm gonna go to sleep." She spoke her hands pressing to her jean covered thighs helping to pull herself up.

"You want me to come with you?"

Brady was quick to shake her head the blonde locks of hair flying back and forth over her shoulders "No, stay here. Enjoy the night" was all she said before leaving the brunette alone.

The rest of the camp stood around drinking and reminiscing over the past. Emmy's father always planned something after a tragedy to try and take their minds off of it. If Emmy didn't know any better sometimes she would think her father was as big of an optimist as her but at the moment her optimism was a front a pure ruse to fool the people around her. Emmy was hurt, she was angry but not just because of Scott but the many secrets that bottled up in her mind even though deep down Emmy knew she would have to suck it up because she wouldn't tell anyone.


"Does your mum know you're over here?" the first thing Emmy asked after wandering off from the fire and to the guarding wall where Chris, Sarah and Kai sat tucked away in the darkness. Kai leaning a strong arm against one of the pillars that helped support the guard rails above, a bottle of beer held tightly in his clutches.

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