Chapter Three: Part Seven

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Heavy breaths she crawled through the vents. Her hands and knees echoing the long seemingly endless crawl space as she continued. Emmy was thankful she wasn't claustrophobic in such a tight space it would easily cause a panic attack. Her hips knocking against the sides with each movement and her shoulders grazing along the metal walls hoping desperately it doesn't suddenly narrow as it was to tight to turn around so the cramped space would be quick to become her metal coffin Emmy was thankful to finally come across the first opening the cover was on and screwed into place but it let down into what looked like a storage room of a store. Emmy didn't have many options every vent she would find would always be set firmly in place. So with an awkward struggle to move, she pulled the hunting knife free from her thigh sheath and with all her might began prying at the metal that secured the cover with enough force surely it would come free. Emmy moved the knife up and down between the gap of the vent and shaft her hands were held firmly in place as sweat began to bead from the pores of her pale skin. It was a relentless task but Emmy didn't have many options and the girl was desperate to survive by any cost, her other handheld the dull edge of the blade attempting to pry off the cover. She released a growl when she pushed as hard as she could finally releasing one side of the frame than with the palm of her hand she pounded against it until it relented and bent ever so slightly the other side of the frame didn't need much work to set the cover free before sending it clanging onto the cement floor below. Emmy put her arms to the other side of the opening and her legs to the edge as she quickly crawled over the gap to give herself enough space to back herself up and sliding feet first down the hole. It was quite a drop below with definitely a risk of a twisted ankle or if she landed wrong a broken leg or ankle but she slid herself down until she dangled just by her hands holding her small frame she grimaced from the now fractured metal piercing her skin.

The room was quiet which gave the brunette some relief knowing she wouldn't be attacked at the first drop into the room. Emmy began swinging her body aiming for a pile of boxes not too far from her dangling self and hoping it would at least soften the blow for her body. After all any damage she sustained now she still had to escape and find the others. So with one last swing Emmy released her hold letting herself fall through the air and crashing onto the cardboard which wasn't a comfortable landing and caused a pain to surge through her small form but she would have to dismiss for now along with the blood trickling down to her fingertips from the metal framing of the shaft. With a flick of her wrist, she sent a splatter of blood across the boxes before getting herself together to survey the storefront situation but it didn't face lesser problems with wandering corpses throughout. From the storage room door, she observed everything ahead of her. Emmy wasn't far from where she had lost sight of Kai if she could escape the store all she would have to do was make her way to the entrance and hopefully, everyone was alright. The group had become the young girls family every person meant a great deal to her and she wasn't prepared to lose anyone else anytime soon.

Emmy took some unsteady breaths trying to ease herself. Her chest rising and falling with each deep breath as she held her hunting knife securely while her dark orbs watched while she readied herself to strike. Sneaking from the room she crept along an aisle approaching one of the stumbling corpses from behind a single strike through the back of the skull caused it to drop suddenly however the noise caught the others attention. The rest of the dead snarled in her direction and began walking towards her. Emmy backed herself to the end of the aisle while luring five of the snapping creatures towards her while her arms forcefully shoved at the shelving repeatedly till it finally gave way causing the entire aisle's shelves to topple forward coming down upon the dead, four more were on their way arms outstretched with skin barely intact, their boney fingers clawing at the air waiting to make contact with her pale flesh. As soon as what seemed to of been a female came close enough Emmy snatched her stringy dark hair in a firm grip forcing her head backwards before she slammed the hunting knife under its chin it's vacant eyes falling unmoving and its body falling limp before she could remove the knife there was a tight grip on Emmy's shoulder the low moan hard turned into a vicious snapping growl as it attempted to bite at her face. Emmy's hands relinquished the other body to regain herself and pushing the thing from its hold on her ripping through her denim jacket and leaving the sleeve loosely hanging, five more were gaining on her. Emmy took in her surrounding of what used to be an appliance store a smirk graced her lips when her dark orbs settled on a meat tenderizer she was quick to grab it and in a forceful swing pounding it right into the temple of the decaying thing in front of her and with a repetitive motion of swings she left nothing much of the side of its skull with brain practically turned to soup as it seeped out the hole and onto the tiles before she could regain herself another grip on her ankle it was swift to knock her off balance. One of the dead Emmy had crushed in the aisle partially hanging out with its arms frantic to grab her. Emmy began to kick at its already half-eaten face, one eye hanging from the socket but Emmy continued to boot at it until there was nothing to recognise while more closed in on the brunette. She was at a disadvantage now on the ground as she continued to kick the one holding Emmy's ankle she swung the meat tenderizer smashing it into the knees of one that had become close enough and forcing it to the ground, it was so close she could smell the iron from the blood on its breath but she ignored it grabbing a piece of glass and shoving it straight into the eye socket.

"Fuck" she muttered to herself no sooner had she finished with that one and finally pulled her ankle free there was another practically towering over her but as it bared its rotted teeth its brains splattered on the wall behind her causing it to drop like a pile of rocks. Emmy's eyes quickly looked up seeing her group disperse through the store taking down the dead while her eyes set on the ash blonde at the entrance easing down his rifle before joining the rest to take out the rest in the store.

"Damn man are you okay?" Kai asked as he stepped in front of the brunette his hand extended for her. She barely got to her feet when he pulled Emmy into a hug "shit, I thought you were right behind me."

"It's okay, Kai" she welcomed his hug feeling safer amongst her group once again "I'm glad you're alright. And..." Emmy's eyes wandered over the group who were now standing around the vacant store before landing on blue eyes than seemed to be examining her over but Troy kept his distance and remained by the entrance "I'm glad all of you are okay."

"Alright, we better move out" Troy finally spoke

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"Alright, we better move out" Troy finally spoke.

"Dude, give her a minute" Kai requested but Troy's eyes focused on Emmy as though wanting for her confirmation to which she gave a single nod of her head.

"Fine we will find somewhere to rest up but then we got to move" he responded in his usual dictatorial tone.

"Sir yes sir" Kai teased before the group began their exit from the store in search for somewhere to rest up.

The Killer In Me / Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now