Chapter Two: Part One

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An early morning, it was the only time of the day where the sun was bearable

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An early morning, it was the only time of the day where the sun was bearable. It wasn't high in the sky causing a coat of sweat on everyone's skin instead, the sun just sat over the tree line not warming up the land yet. The entire group had been summoned to the yard by Daniel and everyone stood in a large group in front of the man besides Emmy and Brady. The girls stood beside the older man who readied himself to speak. Emmy was nervous she knew what her father was about to say after all they had only spoken about it two nights ago. Her fingers absentmindedly picked at one another nervous on what was about to come.

"Good morning everyone, I know we haven't had a meeting for a while but speaking to my daughter Emmy made me realise we needed one. It's been quite hostile in the camp for the last almost three weeks now. We have Scott in the infirmary and I know we are all hoping the young man recovers quickly. He's always been a strong member of the group and I know our Doctor and my daughter are doing their best to make him comfortable" the flinch in Brady's face was obvious when Daniel spoke about Scott and Emmy couldn't help but reach out for her friend and take the blonde's hand in her own trying to provide some sort of comfort.

"What happened to him out there?" someone from the crowd shouted and Daniel gave a gentle nod of acknowledgement to their question.

"An unfortunate accident I was informed but they got him out as soon as they could. I know everyone is upset and we are usually lucky on unfortunate happenings but even we are not immune to accidents. Now it is time to focus on the future and make our camp the safest we can. No more hostility" his dark gaze shot directly to Alan who was already sneering about the whole thing "no more fighting amongst ourselves. If we are going to survive we are going to survive as a group by working together and not pulling apart. I know many of us have been indifferent to our newcomer" Daniel glanced to Troy who stood in the back "but it is time to move forward. We are a group, a team, we work together. Now let's get back to work" Daniel dismissed the group and they all began to disperse to their chores.

"I'm going back to the infirmary" Brady turned to her friend. Her puffy eyes evidence of her crying.

"You want me to come with you?" Emmy asked still holding the blonde's hand.

"No, no. Doc is up there if he needs anything" she let her hand fall from Emmy's hand and quickly crossed her arms over her chest, not in anger or frustration but as though she was trying to provide some comfort to herself.

"Any change since I checked on him?" Emmy inquired.

"He umm... Moved his fingers. Maybe that's something" Brady gave a smile but she struggled to hold it.

"That's something of course" Emmy gave her friend a hopeful look and gently gave a pat on the taller girls shoulders.

"You should go on the run with the guys, Em.. Get some more medical supplies" Brady advised and the brunette just gave a firm nod.

"Of course... Those idiots wouldn't know what to get anyway" Emmy attempted to joke which seemed to work as Brady let out a light laugh.

"I will talk to you later" Brady spoke before walking off. Emmy wanted to fix things for her friend but that was Emmy always wanting to fix things, help things and save everything a possibly dooming quality trait in the world.

She watched Brady walk to the infirmary one of the few times Emmy wasn't going herself. She let out a sigh before turning on her heel to walk to the trucks.

"You drew your line in the sand then?" Alan questioned the girl as he joined her to head over to the vehicles.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Emmy let out a tired breath before turning her gaze to the older man.

"I think you know what it means... You got a little crush forming hmm?" he questioned with a sly smile.

"Yeah... I'm eighteen so I just fawn over every guy I see right?" she couldn't help but roll her eyes at his absurd comment.

"Then what is it?" he practically jumped in the girls way blocking her path.

"What is it with you? You want to do something so damn bad yet here we are with your bullshit evasiveness and crap. Maybe I would have listened, maybe I would have given your words a chance if you didn't dick me around" she spoke in a low aggressive tone her dark eyes narrowed practically shooting daggers at the man.

"Answer why you did what you did? Why did you get your dad to give that speech?" Alan questioned an eyebrow raised waiting for the girl to reply.

"Cause sometimes people need another chance, Alan" she was quick to respond.

"No matter what I said, Em... You would never have taken my side because of your damn need to save everyone..." his gaze trailed to the blue-eyed ash blonde that stood by one of the pickup trucks "some people can't be saved" was all he said before storming off but Emmy just shook her head this time and went to the boys getting ready to go.


"Yo! None of that shit you call music this time, Otto" Kai one of the men from the camp called out as he hung out of window frame of the open passenger window of the truck. Troy just scoffed to his words and continued packing his bag. The past few days Troy had occupied himself with going out with some of the camp members to scavenge for things they needed a role easy for the wavy-haired young man to take.

Silently Emmy stood beside the man. Fixing up a backpack for herself. "You comin' with?" He side eyed the girl.

"Looks like it" she answered not taking her eyes from the bag.

"Why?" He leaned closer to the girl his voice dropping quietly "why didn't you?" he was curious as always. Troy wasn't stupid though he knew when he told her she would keep it a secret just one of the many things of interest about the girl though she never gave an answer to why and that just ticked off his curiosity more. "you didn't say anything..."

The brunette stood there under the gaze of the blue-eyed young man as he waiting for an answer finally after zipping up her bag and slinging it onto her back she finally turned to him "I guess I didn't" was her simple reply before hopping into one...

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The brunette stood there under the gaze of the blue-eyed young man as he waiting for an answer finally after zipping up her bag and slinging it onto her back she finally turned to him "I guess I didn't" was her simple reply before hopping into one of the trucks with the boys and leaving Troy Otto again with more questions in his ever pondering mind.

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