Chapter Three: Part Eleven

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Her slender leg bounced aimlessly against the smoothed greying tiled floor as she surveyed the area but her eyes would flick constantly to the door especially when there was a noise. It had almost been an hour and she was still waiting for his return. She wouldn't change hands to guard through the night at least not till Troy had returned and if it went to late she would go looking for him. Emmy had always been fiercely loyal to everyone she cared for, there probably was nothing she wouldn't do for someone she cared for which actually put her in dangerous grounds.

Emmy was a petite human being there really wasn't much of her mixed with the delicate features she didn't look like someone who would survive this world, she wasn't stupid either Emmy knew perfectly well most people at camp assumed she was only alive because of her father. A girl like her no way could she survive on her own but Emmy didn't hold any ill will towards whoever thought it she couldn't blame them but they were wrong and it was one of the reasons why she was desperate to go on runs. She knew she could do it, handle herself and she had. Perhaps that was why she held such affection for Troy he worked beside her as a partner and not a protector despite the ironic twist of her being the one protecting him such as the secrets she kept. There were many and it had only been three months but she didn't hold any issues towards him anymore since finding out a majority of his past but that's what it was wasn't it his past and who was she to judge him certainly no judge, jury and executioner and despite the rocky beginning he had done nothing since and even helped the group she couldn't deny that but even now with their mostly honest friendship she couldn't answer when it came to Alan, he had pestered her on why but not out of any real emotion but general curiosity but she couldn't answer what could she say? The guilt had passed and she didn't regret her call on letting him die on the run or finally actually ending his life. Emmy would always say she did anything and everything she could for the people she cared about and at the end of the day he had turned himself into the risk, the danger to their group and at the end of the day she was willing to take away the threat that risked them. She always would.

"Em?" the voice caught her from thought. She blinked several times not even realising she had been staring into space.

"Kai, is everything okay?" she asked once the skinny blonde came into focus.

"Yeah, fixed the damn thing" he groaned clearly still annoyed "I don't know how half that shit happened but it's sorted now."

"Thanks for staying up and fixing it" she gave an appreciative smile.

"Pfft..." he waved his hand dismissing her "that is MY truck, my baby I wasn't letting anything happen to her."


"Don't get all sweet on me now... I mean if you have to I will take a make-out session of appreciation" he shot her a wide grin Emmy simply raised her hand and gave him a shove causing Kai to stumble off-balance "Alright I'm gonna get some sleep. Tell your boy it's sorted and we can leave at first light" he spoke before walking away to the back rooms while she rolled her eyes at his comments.

It wasn't long after the from doorknob began to jiggle as it slowly turned "Em..." the voice called through the door. The brunette was quick to rush over and unlocking the door.

"Did you find anything?" was the first thing she asked once she saw the ash-blonde standing on the other side of the door.

"Come on" he nudged his head for her to follow. Emmy opened the door enough to slip out into the cool night air automatically causing goosebumps to rise on her pale flesh.

"What is it?" she whispered.

"I backtracked to where we were to see if I could find anything. Wasn't too hard to find since they weren't too far from where we parked. Must have seen us pull up when we got here" Troy simply explained.

"And what? What do we do?" Emmy asked eager to deal with the matter.

"Its dealt with" was all he said before walking inside. She was perplexed for a moment before annoyance set in as she automatically knew what he meant.

"Troy..." she growled following him but he didn't slow down he just continued his path to the bathroom but it didn't deter her. Emmy just simply followed him inside "you were supposed to report what happened not to handle it on your own."

"Does it matter? I solved the issue" he glanced to her through the reflection of the mirror as he stepped up to the sink and simply turning the taps.

"Of course it matters. It wasn't the plan" she huffed leaning back against the now-closed door.

"I surveilled the area if it was more than I could handle I would have requested back up but there were three and I could deal with that myself" he explained it so simply as he began was the blood that stained his hands.

"But there could have been more. You don't know that, we don't know where they came from, why they were here or anything Troy" Emmy's jaw clenched her molars began to grind together in annoyance.

"Just a bunch of assholes, Em nothing more, nothing less" he turned simply shrugging off the matter and leaning his hip against the cabinet beside the sink.

"And now we won't know at all... Great" she let out a sigh before turning her gaze back to the ash blonde. His baby blues already on her seeming to take in her reaction.

"You're upset with me?" he questioned but it was more an observation.

"How can you tell?" her voice radiating sarcasm.

"How can you tell?" her voice radiating sarcasm

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"Em.." Troy approached before standing opposite her "they clearly posed a threat if they wanted to sabotage our vehicle so I sorted out the problem" he explained once again towering over the brunette who simply sighed but didn't reply instead the two stood in silence until a pounding sounded on the other side of the door.

"Yo! I need to piss. Either get out or I'm just gonna start going" Kai shouted from the other side of the door. Emmy stepped away and opened it just enough for her to slip out.

"Geez, Kai"

"What? When you need to go you need to go Em" Kai spoke to the shorter guy till his eyes shot up noticing the taller blonde lingering behind her in the doorway "I don't want to know what's going on here" Kai quickly pointed between the two "but I will piss on you both if you don't move."

Emmy's eyes danced from Kai to Troy before rolling her eyes "I'm going to sleep" was all she said before storming off.

The Killer In Me / Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now