Chapter One: Part Seven

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"I'm sorry..." Emmy sighed, she leaned her slender frame against the wall in the long dark hallway. The door beside her locked.

"For what?" she heard the soft voice respond on the other side of the door.

"For you being back in there. I tried to talk to them but... They won't listen" she leaned her head against the cold wall beside her right beside the door. It was quiet, the whole place fell to that silence, the same silence she sat in earlier. It wasn't uncomfortable, it wasn't bad, It was almost peaceful.

"Why are you trying to help me?" the sincere question asked. His voice was closer now it was just beside her on the other side of the door.

"Because..." Emmy spoke softly to the young man on the other side of the wall "we need to be better. Just cause the world has fallen to shit doesn't mean we shouldn't have hope right?"

Silence. Silence again.

"How do you know how long it takes to turn?" Emmy suddenly broke the quiet of the room with her questioning "My mother... She was a little bigger than I am. After she was bitten..." no matter how long had past it was no easier to swallow but she pushed through telling a complete stranger her private life. "But how did you know?"

"I've... Done my studies" he suddenly replied. Troy's head rest against the wall. The mop of wavy hair falling back as he let the crown of his head lay on the wall.

"Your studies?" Emmy questioned curiously of the answer.

"You don't think this is interesting? You don't wonder how it all works?" she heard a sudden shuffle from behind the door and she followed suit to meet his face at the window of the wooden door.

"I do wonder..." she spoke softly looking the blue-eyed man in the eye as she laid her head on the door. She wasn't scared though everyone always insisted she should be otherwise. That was one thing about Emmy that had always been a strong part of the brunette her lack of fear.

"So did I," he said on the opposite side of the door facing the girl.

"EM!" the voice made Emmy shoot up and face down the hall seeing Brady rushing over. "Doc Mareno is out... He's in the infirmary alone." Brady spoke as soon as she was close to the girl. "Come on" Brady spoke as she side glanced Troy who was still lingering by the door.

"Okay" Was all Emmy replied with a firm nod.

"What are you doing?" Troy questioned his curiosity always getting the best of him.

"Getting answers..."


Scott had the doctor distracted as Emmy snuck past them and into the infirmary. The girl wanted answers after all the anger Alan seemed to had didn't just come out of nowhere and the curiosity was starting to eat at the small brunette. She crept down the hall and to the room. Slowly opening the door. A cold cloth was held against Alan's face and blood was staining his beige shirt.

"I can crack that back into place again" the first words that left Emmy's mouth as she entered the room and quickly closed the door behind her.

"I think I will get the actual doctor to look this time" He rolled his eyes at the young girl.

"Suit yourself... What's going on Alan. Why do you have it in for Troy so badly? I mean he's been here a few days. That much dislike doesn't happen overnight" she wandered further into the room her thin arms crossed over her chest.

"I don't have to explain shit to you, Em... All I'm telling you is your little pet project won't work" he scoffed quickly averting his gaze.

"Alan... Tell me" she spoke firmly her dark eyes fixed on the man waiting for the answer she wanted.

"You really want to know..." he suddenly asked but it seemed to be a struggle for him to talk about.

"I want to know!" she shouted in annoyance before letting out a heavy sigh "I want to know.. Maybe we can work something out... Fix it."

Alan let out a laugh like the idea was per prosperous "He seems like a nice kid doesn't he... I mean he looks like a normal college sort of kid" he quickly shook his head and leaned closer to the brunette "guess what? He's not... He's a psychopath" he practically whispered but the words caught her off guard.

"What?" She asked in confusion the words still lost in her brain as she attempted to comprehend what he was saying.

"Emmy What are you doing here?" Doctor Moreno's voice suddenly caught her off guard as she turned to face the short, heavy-set woman.

"Yeah, Em What are you doing?" Alan mocked his eyes narrowed at the young girl.

"Ummm... I was just checking on Alan.. I Ah got to go..." she wouldn't get the answer she wanted while Doctor Moreno was there and as she hurried from the room she cursed that the doctor had interrupted because she needed to know the rest as what Alan said echoed through her mind.

The Killer In Me / Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now