Chapter Three: Part Fourteen

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There was silence once again before the radio crackled on and off. Emmy sat down on the passenger side of the truck while Troy stood at the doorway his forearms folded over one another and resting on the top of the door frame. Both their eyes glued to the small box attached to the car watching the red dot light flash. They had been listening to other groups messages that had been coming through the last few minutes. Someone desperately trying to contact the men that Troy had carelessly slain frankly it was morbid the pair listening to distress calls while they were only a few feet away from the people they were looking for but it was a strange new world like that.

"We should leave..." Emmy spoke softly finally pulling her gaze from the small black box to meet the intense stare of Troy who was standing beside her.

"What if its a small group?" Troy questioned.

"What if it's small? What do you suggest killing them all?" Emmy shook her head at the very thought "and what if they are a large group? What then? No... No, we need to go back home now I will report back to my father what happened..."

"And what happened?" he seemed genuinely curious about her response.

"Don't start, Troy. I just want to make sure our group is safe which includes you but that also means you need to damn listen next time" Emmy's dark eyes were narrowed watching as he took in her words before she sighed and placed her face into the palm of her hands "okay, okay... We need to leave. Can I count on you this time?"


"I need you to have my back Troy" her voice was soft as she pulled her head from her hands. Her dark orbs settling on the ash blonde.

"Alright" he replied as his eyes remained on hers "I do.. Have your back I thought this would be for the best."

"In the future killing, the problem doesn't always work" Emmy attempted to joke despite the uncomfortable situation.

"Well it's always worked in the past" he replied which caused Emmy to give him a smirk. Emmy was mad but snapping at this point seemed pointless so she settled for calming down.

 Emmy was mad but snapping at this point seemed pointless so she settled for calming down

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"We better go..." she simply replied.


The sun had emerged from behind the buildings making its way higher into the sky as Troy and Emmy made their way back to the shop. Not a far walk for either of them and Emmy was feeling oddly calm despite the terrible situation as the pair walked in silence.

"Where the fuck did you two go?" Kai asked as soon as the two approached. He was standing by the garage door eyes travelling between the pair "or don't I want to know..."

"Don't be a pervert" Emmy simply rolled her eyes.

"Can't help how I was made" Kai gave a wink in reply.

"We were just looking around Kai..." she let out a breath before glancing over her shoulder to the ash blonde "Troy can you go get everyone up" he simply gave a nod before walking away. Emmy waiting till Troy was out of sight before turning back to Kai who seemed careless as always.


"You fixed the truck so I know you know" Emmy replied a smirk curled on the corner of her plump lips but Kai didn't reply "why didn't you say anything?"

"Why didn't you?" he countered catching Emmy off guard "I know you have your things Em... Things that you aren't saying which is cool I'm not gonna pry but if you knew you could have said something too."

His moment of seriousness caught her by surprise with her eyes widening "You were the one fixing I knew you knew but I'm sorry I didn't clear things up okay?" Emmy spoke genuinely apologetic on the matter. Her large brown eyes now softening their gaze.

"Damn not the puppy dog eyes... It's cool Em I figured you didn't want anyone to know so I didn't say anything. I'm guessing you were out looking for the pricks this morning though?" he's back was pressed against the graffitied brick wall arms folded seeming to be waiting for an answer.

"Something like that... But don't worry it won't be a problem we just need to leave like right now" she pushed the urgency of the matter.

"Well, shit.." Kai quickly caught on "alright, alright let's get our shit together and go then."

The rest of the group began to emerge from the mechanic's shop. Some still partially asleep from the early morning wake up call "Lets hit the road kiddos" Kai shouted causing Daisy to groan.

"Why is he so damn peppy in the mornin'?" she grumbled as she made her way to Emmy's side.

"That's just Kai for you" Emmy flashed a smile to the taller woman who seemed to be barely awake.

"Come on slowpokes" he called out.

"I might end up shooting him" Daisy grumbled again causing Emmy to laugh as they made their way to the truck. It was finally time and as they all climbed aboard and Kai started the engine they were finally on their way home.

The Killer In Me / Troy OttoWhere stories live. Discover now