Chapter One: Part Nine

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The hallways were silent, the heels of her boots clicked against the tiled floor

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The hallways were silent, the heels of her boots clicked against the tiled floor. It was the only sound and it seemed to echo just highlighting the pure emptiness of the place. Lucky for Emmy it wasn't hard to get the place alone but the oncoming conversation left her nervous, sweaty palms that inadvertently made her ball her hands into fists then suddenly releasing them but there she was outside the white painted door. with the lack of upkeep, the paint was starting the chip and peel in sections revealing the wood underneath.

"He said you were a psycho" she suddenly heard herself say in the dead silence. A scuffling of feet from the other side was heard as soon as she spoke. "Alan said you were a psycho. I wanna know why?"

There was scoff from the other side before Troy suddenly appeared in the small window of the door. He was leaning down while resting his forehead on the top of the glass "I don't know him, so I don't know" was his simple answer and an honest one. Troy didn't know Alan at least he didn't remember him, a lot of faces had passed Troy and he didn't remember everyone but the ash blonde wasn't dumb he knew his past and though he wasn't ashamed of many of his actions he certainly wasn't going to relinquish information until he knew what he was dealing with. Despite the small brunette girls help he was still Troy Otto and distrust was engrained in the fibre of his being.

"You know something. If he's working this hard to get to you there has to be a reason" Emmy explained eagerly for the young man's answer.

"This is a new world, Em. People do things for a lot of reasons" he spoke wandering away from the doorway.

"And you being evasive is for a reason?" Emmy spoke, she pulled the keys from her pocket and with a right grip singled on the one she needed. Her fist held the test tightly before she put it in the lock.

"I already answered the question.." Troy spoke his tone was almost tired when he spoke but the topic was clearly one he wanted to avoid. His blue eyes shot to the door as the lock clicked and the knob turned slowly.

"Troy..." Emmy spoke softly as she pushed open the door. The brunette stood in the doorway of the dark room. Blinds wide open letting the moonlight beam through the barred windows highlighting the shadows.

"Unlocking the door... You sure your daddy is gonna like that?" a smirk began to spread over his dry, chapped lips revealing the perfect white teeth.

"Since when are you interested in me listening to my 'daddy'" Emmy replied emphasising the word daddy in mockery as she spoke.

"I can't answer your question" his tone quickly changed but the brunette was held under the same intense gaze as though he was analyzing every single part. A curious brain that was desperate for answers about everything that couldn't understand.

"Because you don't want to" she wandered closer. The tall, lanky ash blonde was leaning against the desk that sat in the middle of the room where she joined him.

"How do you know I'm not going to kill you anyway?" he questioned with anyone else the words would have been more a joke but then sorts of questions were actually sincere when it came to Troy.

"Well you've had a few opportunities now and you still haven't so.." Emmy simply shrugged it off.

"So here we are" he replied flatly as he rubbed a rough calloused hand to his eyes. Tiredness starting to creep its way up on him.

"I will let you get some sleep" Emmy spoke noticing his sudden exhausted demeanour as though only just realising. Emmy let her boots tap firmly against the tiles as she walked to the door "since you've had opportunities to kill me, maybe you're not..."

"Maybe I'm not what?" he asked his curiosity always getting the best of him. With the slight furrow of his brow and the narrowing of his eyes.

"A psycho... Good night Troy" was all she said as she closed the wooden door once again and locked it. Leaving the ash blonde alone with his thoughts once again.


Emmy stood across from her father. They had been discussing and debating for the last few hours since the pair had woken up. "No, no way, Em" Daniel shook his head as he sat down onto one of the worn cushioned single seat chairs in their home.

"Dad, we need to do this" Emmy argued.

"No way" Daniel spoke his voice than usual tone when he was serious.

"Think about it dad... If we keep Troy up there segregated from everyone else it's going to make matters worse. We need to start introducing him into the group dad properly. We will keep Alan away from him but we can't keep locking him away" Emmy tried to put across her point.

"I think she's right" Brady chimed in flashing her best friend a thin smile that just curled the corner on one side of her mouth. It was clear the blonde was unsure but she was one to always have her best friends back.

"Me too" Scott agreed. Emmy looked to her friends, she was appreciative of their solidarity.

"You three may agree but no one else is going to be happy about this" Daniel looked worrisome between the three young adults.

"And if we leave it longer, dad it will be worse. Did we keep him here right? We did it for a reason. I may have argued his case but no one fought me on it" Emmy began stating. She had always been excellent at debate.

"And if we let him roam around" Daniel's eyes had softened as his eyebrows seemed to furrow. He was worried. For his daughter, for her safety, for their people and for their home.

"We can watch him... Like the original idea we were going to do anyway" Emmy was pleading. She didn't want this to fail... If her father disagreed it would mean he would stay in holding and eventually be thrown out but she had hope. Emmy wasn't the camp cheerleader for nothing.

"I think so too, Daniel. We need to work together. We shouldn't be running the risk. He could be a very capable ally" Scott sided with the small girl who looked at him with a smile of appreciation.

"Okay, okay... We will take it to the camp and see what everyone thinks" Daniel threw his hands up as though surrendering.


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