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Ƭhe next day...

Rey was walking down the hallway towards the throne room to deliver wildflowers as she always did, but as she reached the door she stopped. She could see him, the creature who they called a prince. He was standing there talking to his parents. Rey clenched her firsts, he was a monster and he belonged in a cage; not roaming the castle.

She'd managed to avoid coming in contact with him for fear that she might let her venomous hate for him slip out. If she accidentally said or did the things that she wanted to him, she would be thrown into the dungeon for sure.

She had watched him with his parents from the shadows where he couldn't see her, filled with a mixture of emotions. She admired the King and Queen's forgiveness for him, but she also felt that he didn't deserve it. She tried to fight it, but she was beginning to feel more than just hate towards him; she was beginning to feel jealousy. He was here, happy with his parents when he'd taken hers away; and now he was taking her second parents away too. She knew it wasn't right because King Han and Queen Leia were his parents, not hers. But because of him, she couldn't sit with them at supper like she usually did, at least not without having to sit with him as well; and there was no way she was doing that.

She wondered if King Han and Queen Leia missed her or if they didn't care. Maybe now that they had their son back they wouldn't care if she was around or not.

Stop being so childish, she scolded herself.

Ben bowed to his parents before speaking. "You sent for me?"

"Yes, your father has something to tell you," Leia answered. She said it very pointedly as if to say: it was his idea, not mine.

Ben turned to look at his father, a mixture of fear and curiosity washing over him like a flood.

"A servant girl is working in the palace. Her name is Rey. She came from nowhere, from nothing...she is no one, but the kindness that she holds in her heart has no equal, and we've grown to love her as if she was our daughter."

Rey couldn't help but smile, she didn't know that they loved her like a daughter. She had always thought that the love she felt for them was one-sided. But why were they mentioning her to Kylo Ren?

Ben nodded, wondering why he was bringing this up. She sounded like a nice person, but what did she have to do with him? He hoped they would say that they had chosen her to replace him as their heir. He didn't know her, but by what his father had said she sounded like a far better choice than him.

"We want you to marry her," Han continued.

Upon hearing these words, Rey felt her heart begin to race; she felt as though someone had just stabbed her in the heart with a dagger. She recoiled and quickly left from the doorway where she had been standing. No one knew that she had been standing in the shadows listening and no one saw her leave. She didn't know how, but she had to escape this somehow.

"But..." Ben began, a mixture of emotions consuming him. He felt fear, nervousness, but most of all he felt unworthy. If she was even half as wonderful as his father made her sound, then he didn't deserve her. "I can't...I can't marry her. If she is as kind and wonderful as you say, then I am not deserving of her. Let her take my place as heir to the throne. I would gladly relinquish the throne for someone so kind and just."

"We have chosen her to be your wife, and to be the future queen of Alderaan. You asked how to earn our trust; part of it is by obeying us without question," Han replied a little sternly. "And trust goes both ways; for us to trust you, you must trust us."

Ben sighed, he had promised that he would try to earn their trust and be worthy of the mercy they'd shown him. He had to do as they asked. "Yes, Father. It will be done."

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now