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Ɓen stood by the window for several moments after Rey had left, he missed her already. Looking at the stars reminded him of her, she loved the stars. He looked at the brightest star in the sky, two stars that were so close together that they appeared as one, the star that had always reminded him of her.

As his eyes scanned the dark meadow, he could see movement in the distance. He squinted straining to see, faintly he could make out the silhouettes of men approaching, some of them on horseback. It was a large group, an army. All but a few of Snoke's men were here, there was only one thing it could be: Finn was back with his parents army. It was dark, but the silver stars on their blue surcoats confirmed his suspensions.

"Rose," he said softly.

She came over to him. "Yes?" she asked sounding concerned.

"Finn's here," he answered.

Her eyes lit up and she turned to look through the bars that covered the window. She couldn't see him, but she could faintly see the approaching figures.

"Can you tell Christopher to come here?" Ben asked her.

She nodded and hurried out of the cell door to where Christopher was waiting.

"Prince Ben wants to talk to you," she told him.

He nodded then followed her into the cell.

"Christopher, the King and Queen's army is here. Do you think you can help some of them slip into the castle unseen?"

"Yes, and I will fight for you and your parents, so will your other knights," Christopher replied.

"Thank you, Christopher," he answered.

"We need to get you and the other prisoners out of here," Christopher continued. "Some of Snoke's knights are also guarding the dungeon. If you were at your full strength we could take them, but you can barely walk."

"I can manage," Ben replied.

Christopher shook his head. "You can manage, but you can't fight ten to two. Stay here, I'll be back with the others."

Ben nodded, then Christopher turned to leave, but Ben grabbed his arm before he could escape. "Christopher, there's something I need you to do."

Christopher turned to look at him.

"Please get Rey, if there's an attack Snoke might use her as leverage or try to kill her, she isn't safe."

Christopher nodded then listened as Ben told him what to tell his other knights, and the King and Queen's army.


Rey slipped through the castle halls as quietly as she could, she didn't want to get caught. If she was seen coming into the castle after sunset, Snoke would suspect something.

She sighed in relief as she reached the door to her room without being seen. She opened the door as slowly and quietly as possible.

She'd left the candles blown out so that it would look like she'd gone to sleep. It was dark and she could barely see except for the narrow beams of pale starlight that poured in between the drapes.

As she closed the door her heart lurched as she saw shadows moving across the room.

She gasped and backed back towards the door as she saw the forms of six of Snoke's knights standing there. She wasn't sure what they were doing here, but it couldn't be good. Snoke must have caught her sneaking off to go see Ben.

One of the knights stepped forward, removing his helmet.

Rey heaved a sigh of relief as she saw the familiar face, it was Christopher.

"It's just me, your highness. Ben sent me to come get you," he said as he bowed slightly.

"Is he alright?" she asked, concerned.

Christopher nodded. "The king's army is here, Ben was worried that if there was an attack Snoke might do something to hurt you. And we could use your help getting everyone out."

Rey nodded.

"Adren, Darius, come with me to free the prisoners, Elijah, Fredrick and Greggory, Ben needs you to tell the army to attack on the east side while a small group slips through the west side where there are less guards."

All of the other knights nodded understanding what the prince wanted them to do. All of the knights were young, none of them were over eighteen, but Christopher looked to be the youngest at fourteen.


Half of the prince's knights slipped out through the tall grasses of the meadow to the approaching troops.

As they approached, they were met by the sharp tips of twenty swords and spears.

The three knights raised their hands to show that they had come in peace.

"We were sent by Prince Ben," said Fredrick, the eldest of Ben's knights. "We need to speak to your general and the one they call Finn."

Finn dismounted and came over to them as he overheard the conversation. "Finn? I'm Finn."

Fredrick turned to him. "Prince Ben said that you should slip a small group into the castle through the door on the west side, it's poorly guarded. As we speak the prisoners are being freed, palace guards, Luke's students and the deserters of Snoke's army. We will have enough for a substantial fight within the castle walls."

"And what do you suggest the rest of us do? Sit back and watch?" asked General Korin who had been listening in on the conversation.

"Ben suggests that you attack the eastern wall at dawn, then you will have the sun to your back and it will be difficult for the enemy to see your approach, they will have to look into the glare of the sun in order to attack you," Greggory replied.

The General nodded. "That's a good plan, kid."

"By then, hopefully we will have freed the prisoners and spread confusion throughout Snoke's ranks," Elijah replied.

"Just one question, how do we know that we can trust you?" the General asked.

"Prince Ben thought that question might come up," Fredrick turned to Finn, he held out a rose. "Your betrothed sent this along with her love."

Finn smiled slightly, knowing that Rose had sent as a sign that the knights could be trusted. "This is from Rose," he told the General. "We can trust them."

The General thought for a moment before nodding. "We will do as the prince suggests."

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now