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Ɓen opened his eyes and instantly wished that he hadn't as a throbbing pain filled his skull. His vision was blurred and he blinked several times to clear it. He looked around to see that he was in the cell, but Rey wasn't there. Perhaps he had been put in a different cell. They all looked the same.

Rey! The last thing Ben could remember before he blacked out was Snoke saying that he was going to kill her.

He sat up a little too quickly and a wave of dizziness washed over him. He shook his head to clear it, placing his hand on his forehead. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed, then he slowly stood. His legs buckled as he did so. The pain from where the knights had kicked him in the legs ignited, and the stab wound in his abdomen throbbed.

He looked down at his bare chest to see that his wound had been bandaged. Strange that Snoke had allowed it after he had tried to kill him.

He wasn't really in the condition to stand and certainly not to walk, but right now all that mattered was finding Rey. He reached over and grabbed his shirt where it laid on the bed, then pulled it over his head, groaning in pain at the movement.

He turned to look at the cell door to find it slightly ajar. That's strange, he thought. Why would they leave the cell door unlocked? The only reason he could think of was that it was because he was unconscious and there was no way for him to escape. But that didn't make sense, especially because Snoke was normally so cautious, it wasn't like him to make this kind of error.

But he didn't have time to think about that right now, all that mattered was getting back to Rey before she got hurt.

He staggered over to the door, limping and barely able to stand. He pulled the door open and slipped into the hallway. He looked around, he could see a guard standing a few meters away, but his back was turned towards him and Ben hoped that if he was quiet enough he would be able to escape unnoticed.

He continued down the hall at a slow pace, clinging to the stone walls for support as his legs threatened to give out. But the thought of Rey in danger pushed him forward.

He checked each cell as he passed, but saw no sign of Rey in any of them.

As he reached his parents' cells, his mother reached out and grabbed his hand. "Ben...you're oaky?" she whispered.

"I will be as soon as get Rey back. I have to find her, Snoke told me that he was going to kill her."

"That snake!" said Han. "If he so much as lays a finger on my girl, I'm going to kill him."

Ben smiled slightly that his father had called her 'my girl.' He was happy that his father loved Rey like a daughter, he knew that Rey needed the love of a family too, not just his love. He nodded. "And I'll help you."

"Just be careful darling," Leia told Ben.

"I will, mother, I promise," he answered, then he kissed her hand. "I have to go."

"I know," Han replied.

Ben nodded, then continued down the hall.

Finally he was out of the dungeon. He made his way to the throne room, if Rey wasn't in any of the cells, then Snoke must have either brought her there, or he would know where she was.

He opened the throne room door. "Where is she?" he demanded.

Then he saw her standing there, facing Snoke. At the sound of his voice, she turned to face him. "Ben," she said running to him.

He hobbled forward to meet her. They collided together and their lips instantly found each other. Their lips moved together, becoming one for a few blissful seconds. As they shared a moment of passion and affection, nothing else existed. Just them, reunited at last. They clung to each other as though they were on the edge of a cliff, dangling above a deep gully and letting go would mean their deaths.

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