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Ʀey and Ben rode side by side through the dense forest with Poe ahead of them and Finn and Rose behind them.

"I want to thank all of you for agreeing to accompany us on this trip," said Ben, looking back at Finn and Rose. "You're the only ones we can trust, and this is an urgent mission."

"You and Rey are our friends, we are glad to help you," Finn said, honestly.

"Besides, it's nice to go on a trip with friends, even if it's supposed to be work, it's hard not have a good time when we're together," said Rose, smiling.

Finn nodded.

"I'm glad to get away from the royal court, and go on a trip with all of you. It's something I've never done. I just wish that it was under better circumstances. I can't help but worry about my parents and the kingdom."

Rey reached over and grabbed her husband's hand. He turned to look at her. "Don't worry Ben, we're going to find your uncle and then we're coming back to help your parents. They know that you won't fail them, they believe in you and so do I."

She had spoken the words with such sincerity that he truly believed that she meant them. He took a deep breath and gently squeezed her hand. Rey brushed her thumb over the top of his hand, trying to comfort him, and remind him how much she loved him.

Behind them Finn and Rose smiled, they had been hoping that Rey and Ben would be happy together one day. They both knew how much they loved each other, they had just been too afraid to admit it, even to themselves. Finn looked over at Rose, still smiling. She nodded, smiling back at him.

"How long do you think we will be on the road, your majesty?" Poe asked Ben, completely oblivious about what was happening behind him.

"Poe, you don't have to call me 'your majesty,' you know."

"Right. Sorry your ma... uh, Ky... I mean Ben."

Ben shook his head, hopefully he and Poe would become better acquainted on this trip. "It will probably be almost a week, there and back again."

Poe nodded.

"Luckily, we packed plenty of food and water," said Finn.

"Especially because most of the journey will be through the woods without any towns for miles, if we run out of food and water, we'll have to search for more," said Ben.

"Don't worry, I know how to find food in the woods. I used to do it all of the time, I almost miss it." Rey smiled and squeezed Ben's hand. "But I'm happy that I have a family who loves me now."

Ben smiled at her, but she also noticed that he was blushing a little too.

"We'll have to set camp at some point, so we should be on the lookout for a good spot," Ben changed the subject as he noticed Poe casting him a suspicious glance over his shoulder. He pulled his hand away from Rey as Poe glared at him.

Rey turned to look at Ben, disappointed that he'd let her hand go. Ben was hanging his head, focusing on the ground as if trying to avoid looking at something ahead of him. Rey turned to see Poe glaring at him. The moment he noticed her looking at him, he turned away.

Rey shook her head, she would have to explain to Poe that Ben wasn't the person they thought he was. He would never do anything to hurt her intentionally. She reached over and took Ben's hand again. She didn't care what Poe thought, he had no business getting between her and her husband. "I love you," she mouthed to him.

A small smile touched his lips and she felt her heart race at the sight of it. He was so handsome when he smiled. She wished that he would smile more often.

He responded to her words by kissing her hand.

"Wait, we're going to sleep in the middle of the woods?" Finn asked. "Are you sure it's safe? I heard that there were bears and wolves all through these woods." He looked nervously through the trees that surrounded them as if a pack of wolves would emerge at any moment.

"That's just a myth," said Poe.

"Are you sure?"


"That's reassuring." Finn's eyes scanned between the trees again, searching for any sign of movement.

Rey laughed quietly at Finn and Poe's conversation.

Ben smiled at her, then moved his horse closer to her's and gently bumped her with his shoulder.

Rey laughed and did the same to him.

Poe turned to cast a disappointed look at them. "Can we please try to focus on the mission?"

Rey nodded, but as soon as Poe looked away she bumped into Ben again. It was a little hard to focus on anything else. She had just fallen in love with him, and they were still in the middle of discovering their feelings for one another. He was still her best friend, but things were different now.

Besides they were just trying to keep things light. It would be a long journey, they might as well enjoy each other's company along the way.


They continued to ride for several more hours, until the sun began to set.

"It's dusk, we should stop and set camp," Poe pulled the reins of his horse, and came to a halt. "It'll be dark soon." He dismounted and began looking for a place to set camp.

Ben dismounted, he went over to Rey and held his hands up to her. She smiled and turned in the saddle to face him, then she slid down into his arms. He gently lowered her to the ground, she smiled up at him and wrapped her arms his waist. He reached up and tenderly combed his fingers through her hair. The others were busy, so he timidly leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her soft lips. She pulled him closer to her and returned the kiss affectionately.

"About time," they turned to see Finn watching them, Rose stood next to him beaming happily.

Ben blushed, he hadn't realized that they were being watched.

Rey smiled, his cheeks were so red and he seemed to be fighting the urge to hide behind her. But she only held him tighter. She wasn't embarrassed, Rose had been the one who convinced her to tell Ben that she loved him in the first place.

"Don't be afraid. You shouldn't be ashamed of kissing her, she's your wife and you love each other," said Rose. She smiled warmly. "Besides I think it's very sweet."

Finn nodded, "I've been waiting for this every since you told me how much you loved her. Rey is my closest friend and I want her to be happy, I want both of you to be happy... together."

Rey smiled. "Thank you, Finn."

Ben smiled shyly and Rey reached over to take his hand.

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now