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Ʀey gently lifted Ben's head and slowly poured some water into his mouth. Then she put the cup back on the table and returned to his side. She carefully lifted him into a sitting position, she sat down on the bed, laying his head in her lap. She moved her fingers through his hair and gently touched his face, tracing his scar, his lips. She loved him so much, she only hoped that he would remember that in his unconscious state. She leaned over to place her lips on his forehead, before she gently kissed his cheeks then his mouth. His lips felt wonderful against hers, but it felt strange not to feel him returning her kiss as he normally did. She missed the way he would move his lips against hers, the way he would run his fingers through her hair and gently rub her back.

She had hoped that perhaps it would be like one of the fairytales she liked to read, that true love's kiss would awaken him, but it didn't. She knew that this wasn't the same, he wasn't under a spell. He had been knocked unconscious and he would awaken when his body had recovered from it. He probably needed the rest, but she couldn't help but worry. He had to wake up soon, he couldn't go on forever without food. He could starve to death, and while she was giving him some water, it wasn't enough to replenish the blood he'd lost.

All she could do was hope that he would regain consciousness soon, and pray for his recovery.

For now she wanted to enjoy this moment, holding him in her arms... just incase Snoke was right.

She hoped that her gentle touches and kisses would enter his subconscious and give him comfort. She wanted him to know that she was there for him.


Rey opened her eyes, she had fallen asleep against the wall with Ben in her lap. She had stayed up most of the night, and was exhausted. Being so close to Ben had calmed her and soothed her to sleep.

She looked at him for a moment, and when she was sure that he was alright she turned to glance out the window. It was growing dark.

Rey sighed deeply. Even if Ben did wake up, what would happen to him? Would Snoke kill him? Even if he did offer him a second chance, he would expect him to serve him and do his bidding. Ben was in no condition to do that and wouldn't be for some time. Even if he was able to make a speedy recovery and regain his strength enough to serve Snoke, she could not bear the thought of her husband being tortured and forced to serve that monster...all because he was trying to protect her. She shook her head, it was her turn to protect him.

She had promised that she wouldn't let Snoke hurt him ever again, but it had turned out to be a promise that she was powerless to keep. Snoke had nearly killed him and there had been nothing that she could do about it. Now she realized that the only way that she could truly protect him, was by giving her own life in exchange for his. It was a price that she was willing to pay for his life. She loved him with all of her heart, she loved him more than anything, more than life itself.

He wouldn't like what she intended to do, but she loved him and she was willing to make this sacrifice for him. He would have done the same for her, and he had given up so much for her and his parents. It was her turn to make the sacrifice for the ones she loved.

She gently lifted his head from her lap and placed the pillow beneath his head before she carefully lowered it again.

She gently brushed her thumb over his cheek before grabbing the cloak that Christopher had given her and wrapped it around her shoulders. She went back over to Ben, leaning over to kiss his lips. "I'll come back sweetheart, I promise," she whispered as she held his cheek in her palm. She gently moved her thumb in a soothing way.

"I wouldn't leave if it wasn't to protect you, and I would wait until you were awake to leave so that I could give you a proper goodbye..." she smiled slightly. "...but you would never let me go."

She kissed his lips again, allowing the tears to slip from her eyes as she knew that there was a possibility that this could be the last time she ever saw him. "I love you," she whispered. "Goodbye, my beloved star." Even if she never got to see him again, he would always be a bright light in the growing darkness. One that she would cherish for eternity.

She turned and walked towards the door, stopping in her tracks. How was she going to get out of here?

She thought for a long moment, maybe there was some way that she could pick the lock. She looked around until she saw a loose nail on the table. She went over and grabbed the nail, prying it out, with some effort. Then she went to the door and inserted the nail in the key hole. She wiggled the nail and moved it around until she heard a small click as the door unlocked.

She pulled the hood of the cloak up over her head. She pushed the door open as quietly as she could, and she slipped into the shadows in the hallway. Then she crept out of the dungeon, moving through the shadows, she was glad that she was wearing black as it helped her to blend in. Even if someone did see her, wearing the hood and boy's clothes she would probably be mistaken for one of the knights.

She walked quietly through the halls, her mind set on protecting Ben from Snoke. She only hoped that he would be alright on his own.

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now