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Moments later, Rey stepped out wearing a shirt and skirt that she had worn when she worked as a servant. It certainly wasn't the nicest thing she owned but it was comfortable and served the purpose that she needed.

Ben looked at her as she emerged. Her new outfit wasn't as beautiful as the velvet gown she had been wearing, but to him she was just as beautiful now as she had been five moments ago. He was honestly relieved to see her looking like herself again, the blue blouse and brown skirt looked more like the kind of clothes that she liked to wear than the red dress that she never would have chosen for herself.

Right now what he wanted more than anything was spend time alone with her, just hold her while they talked for hours and hours. He imagined staying up late with her, sharing their secrets, their dreams, their fears. There were so many things that he wanted to ask her...what had happened while he was unconscious. But he also wanted to know what she wanted their future to be like so that he could make her happy, he would move out of the castle to a small cottage if that was what she wanted. They loved each other very much, and he knew her, but he wanted to know more about her. Sadly since they'd gotten married he hadn't had as much time for the kinds of long talks that he wanted to share with her.

Rey sat down on the bed next to him and he opened his mouth to speak, but he wouldn't have a chance to even say one word as the doctor came in.

The doctor took out his medical kit, he looked at Ben. "Can you hold her, your highness?"

Ben nodded, laying down and cradling her in his arms. He snuggled up against her and laid his head on hers. "Gladly," he breathed in her ears.

Rey was blushing so hard that she feared the doctor would assume she had a fever.

"May I take a look at it, my lady?" the doctor asked.

Rey nodded and he pulled her shirt up slightly, exposing a small portion of her stomach

The doctor cleaned the wound, then he prepared mixture of herbs and water. "Drink half of this, it should help with the pain a little."

She drunk half of the greenish liquid then passed the glass back to the doctor.

"Are you ready?" he asked her.

She wanted to say "no" but she knew that it had to be done, and she just wanted it to be over. She wrapped her arms around Ben, holding him close for comfort then nodded.

She let out a soft cry as she felt the needle pierce her skin. The medicine did cut the pain down a little, but not completely.

Ben squeezed her tighter not to keep her still but rather to comfort her.

She gripped the back of his shirt in tight fist, she was strong but this had to be one of the worst physical pains she'd ever felt. It wasn't nearly as bad as those moments when she thought that she had lost Ben though.

He leaned down and began covering her cheeks and her neck with soft kisses to distract her from the pain. It worked, his touch distracted her from the pain. It felt wonderful and she suddenly realized that if not for the pain she was feeling she would never know his arms around her or the touch of his lips again. If she hadn't done what she had done, she would have lost him; it was worth all of the pain in the world just to be in his arms.

She felt her heartbeat calm down as she thought about that. She closed her eyes forcing herself to blockout the feeling of the needle and thread being pulled through her tender skin. Instead she concentrated on every gentle touch that Ben was giving her; the way he gently rubbed her back to soothe the pain away and kissed her tenderly.

The doctor finished his work, then bandaged the wound. He smiled at the way Ben was trying to comfort her.

The doctor looked at Ben. "Your turn."

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now