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Ʀey looked out of the window, the sun had set and the sky had grown dark. She could see the starlight overhead and she couldn't help but think about the night she and Ben had shared their first kiss. She tried to remember what she had said to Ben, that the darkness only made the light brighter and more beautiful. This was a dark time, but she had to see the light in it.

Ben was alive and that was all that mattered to her. She only wished that he was awake, she recalled how she had told him that he was one of her stars, and if she was honest he was the brighter part of her life. She turned to look at him where he lay unmoving in the bed.

She went over to him and gently placed her hand on his forehead. "Please wake up," she whispered. "I miss the sound of your voice, your sweet tender kisses, the way you hold me all night long ..."

He didn't respond, he just lay unmoving. He did look better than he had earlier, the swelling in his face had gone down a little and he wasn't quite as pale. Ben's skin had always been fair in complexion, but earlier he had been deathly pale from the loss of blood. His normal complexion still hadn't returned though.

She caressed his cheek, gently brushing her thumb across the bruise beneath his eye. She soon became distracted by his soft, dark lips. She traced them with her fingers, remembering the feeling of his kiss, she longed to feel it once again. She gently combed through his thick locks with her fingers. She was grateful for that brief moment when he had been conscious enough to kiss her earlier. She might have to wait a little while before she could get another kiss like that.


Several hours passed and despite her efforts, Rey's eyes slid closed. It was well past midnight, but she was trying to stay awake to protect Ben in case Snoke or his knights came back. She had spent many sleepless nights while she lived on the streets, sometimes because she simply had nowhere to sleep at all or because the ground was too hard. Often it was because there was danger nearby or it was cold and she had no means of keeping warm. But most of the time she had been haunted by her past, or her thirst for revenge. Or because she had been overwhelmed by the fear and loneliness.

But after the months she'd spent in the safety and warmth of the castle, she slept more at night than she had before. Though it wasn't something she enjoyed since her dreams had always been filled with nightmares, until the night she finally forgave Ben and let go of the hate that she had been holding in her heart.

Since she'd grown to love him, to truly deeply love him, she looked forward to the hours when the sun had fallen beneath the horizon and he would hold her until it rose again.

She wanted nothing more than to slip into his arms and snuggle close to him. She longed to fall asleep in his arms. She felt as if she could simply lay there with him and sleep for an eternity if it were possible.

She shook herself awake again. Stop thinking about sleep, she scolded herself though she was sure that it was more because of the thought of being in Ben's arms that had relaxed her. He was vulnerable and helpless, if Snoke came to harm him he would be completely defenseless. Which was why she was prepared to defend him with her life if need be. She had the medal basin in her hand, it might not be a weapon but if Snoke so much as laid a finger on Ben, she would hit him as hard as she could with it.

Her time on the streets had taught her two things about defending herself. First that almost anything could be used as a weapon if her life depended on it, and second to improvise and make the most of her surroundings.

Rey's feet were beginning to ache from standing so long and she was beginning to grow drowsy. Finally she decided that she should get some rest so that she would be strong enough to face Snoke if he came. She sat down on the floor next to the bed, carefully leaning her head on his shoulder. Still holding the basin in one hand, she reached up to hold Ben's hand with the other.

Soon she drifted off to a soft sleep, a sleep from which even the slightest sound could awaken her.


As dawn crept across the land the sound of the cell door opening, followed by the steps of booted feet awoke her.

Snoke entered the room and looked down to see the girl asleep on the floor as she leaned on Ben's shoulder and held his hand tightly. She jolted awake as soon as he entered the cell, but Snoke paid little attention to her, instead he turned his focus on Ben. He could see no sign of movement and he wasn't sure if the girl was trying to protect him in his unconscious state or if he had died and she had been weeping at his side.

Snoke approached and reached to touch him, to feel if his skin had gone cold or if it was still warm with life. A hard strike pushed his hand back away from him.

"Don't touch him," Rey told him through gritted teeth.

Snoke laughed, making her skin crawl. "I see that your fiery spirit has not yet been quenched."

She didn't reply, she only glared at him as she stood between him and Ben, keeping the basin ready.

"You must have given some of it to your beloved, I recognized it yesterday when he fought back instead of taking his punishment." He looked over at Ben again. "A shame that he has to die, I could have used such strength. But I have discovered his betrayal, I know that he helped the traitor escape."

Rey continued to glare at him.

"Is he dead yet?"

"You're nothing but a snake," she snapped.

"At least I was kind enough to give him the small mercy of allowing him to die in your arms, he has earned that much. And since you love him enough to take his punishment willingly, I thought that you deserved a chance to say goodbye."

Rey looked over at Ben briefly, she was slightly surprised. That was why he'd brought Ben here?

"Now tell me, child, is he still alive?"

"That's none of your business," Rey answered.

Snoke looked at her for a moment, she dropped her eyes not wanting to look at his hideous form any longer. She knew that he couldn't help the scars and burns that covered his skin. He had earned them nobly, saving the life of King Han. It was his blackened heart and serpent like eyes that bothered her, along with knowing what he had done to her husband.

Snoke lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him. "It is my business. If he is dead, then I need to bury him. Don't you want your husband to have a proper funeral?"

Rey aggressively moved his hand away from her face. "If he were dead then you would either need a grave yourself or you would have to bury me with Ben, because I would fight you and either kill you or die trying."

"Well, he won't be alive much longer, so you may just have to do so," Snoke replied, then he turned to leave.

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now