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Ƭhat afternoon, Rey went out for a walk in the meadow with Finn and Rose.

"How has the prince been treating you?" Finn asked.

"He treats me well."

"Then what's wrong? You're not acting like yourself, " Finn said.

"I'm just so confused. I called him a monster in front of the whole council, but then when the King of Hoth called me a servant girl, he defended me."

"I knew that he was truly a good person, " said Rose.

"I don't know what to do. Things have become so complicated, I still haven't found it in my heart to forgive him. I have tried pushing him away, but it just doesn't work, " Rey continued.

"Just try getting to know him. The only things you know about him are the bad things, but there is good too, even in his dark past there is some good, " Rose said.

"How do you know?" Rey asked.

"You said that life was like the night sky, it may be dark but it is covered with beautiful starlight. You just need to find the light in him, " she answered.

Rey nodded thoughtfully.


The next day, Rey came to the library. She needed time alone to think, especially today. This was the very day that her father had died twelve years ago. It was one of the hardest days each year, next to it was her birthday...the day her mother had died. But it was worse on the day her father had died. She had watched him be killed right in front of her, it was a memory that she couldn't seem to shake.

It seemed that every year when this day came, she would relive the day her father had died...the pain.

She needed to be alone so that she could cry and let her emotions flow freely after being locked up for a year, she hadn't truly cried for her parents since this day last year. She tried to keep her emotions inside, but eventually, they had to come out. And having Kylo around all of the time certainly didn't help matters.

Her tears flowed freely as she witnessed Kylo Ren's blade pierce her father in her mind's eye.

She clenched her fists, trying to fight the hate... she had to forgive him. She cried even more as she felt herself being torn in half. She'd made a promise that she would avenge her father, but she couldn't give vengeance to the man she was married to. However if she forgave him as she knew she should, it would feel like she was betraying her father.

She heard footsteps behind her and turned to see him, he just had to come in now. Couldn't he just let her be alone for one day? She didn't want to see him at all today, she'd hoped that he wouldn't come looking for her, but she should have known better.

He hadn't even said anything yet and already she was mad at him for something he didn't even know that he had done. He'd come in right as she was struggling with the memory of what he had done, right when she was at war with herself over rather she should... She sighed, not should, she already knew she should forgive him. The real question was could she, was she strong enough to?

She turned away from him, hoping that he wouldn't see her crying.

He sat down beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

She nodded.

"I'm sorry for the way they treated you," he said, gently. He rubbed her shoulder in a soothing manner.

She didn't reply, she didn't want to say anything that she would regret. She knew that he was just trying to be there for her, but she didn't want him to be.

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now