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Ƒinn felt the ropes drop from his wrists as he finally cut through.

He rubbed his sore wrists, then stood and looked around. Where should I go? he wondered. He couldn't go back to the castle...if he did he would be putting Ben, Rey and Rose in danger. And himself, he added. But he had to do something to help them...he had to find a way to get them out of there.

Maybe he could find some way to break them out.... Suddenly an idea came to him. The king and queen's army had left for Mustafar to face Snoke, if he could find them then perhaps he would be able to free not only Rose, Rey, and Ben but everyone.

He turned and began the long journey to Mustafar. It would take a little while on foot, he would have to walk as fast as he could and not stop unless he absolutely had to.


Rey watched as the sunset outside the barred window and twilight set across the kingdom. They still hadn't brought Ben back and she was beginning to wonder if perhaps they weren't going to bring him back here as the guard had said. Perhaps they were going to take him to another cell.

Suddenly the sound of a key turning in the lock broke the thick silence that now filled her cell. She stood and approached the door, unsure if it was just a guard coming to bring her dinner, someone coming to take her or...

The door swung open and several knights shoved Ben into the cell. He fell forward about to land on the hard stone floor, but she stepped forward, catching him. He smacked hard against her, but she steadied him as he fell into her arms. He leaned down resting his head on her shoulder, gently nuzzling her neck.

The knights slammed the door shut, but neither of them paid much attention. They were both too relieved to be together again, they were each desperate for the other's touch... to be in each other's arms

Rey hugged him, gently stroking his back and running her fingers through his thick hair. She gently lifted his head from her shoulder so that she could look at him. She stared up at him for a long moment, scanning his face for any sign of injury.

Ben watched her eyes as they moved along his face, like a gentle caress. Finally, her eyes fell on his lips and she claimed them, kissing him desperately. She placed her hand behind his head, pulling him down closer to her as she pressed her lips harder and more passionately into his. Ben melted, surrendering as she deepened the kiss. She pulled away and he breathed heavily against her soft skin.

Rey moved her hands through his shoulder length hair, as she felt his warm breath against her skin. She leaned closer to him, covering his cheeks with kisses, before she pulled him closer letting him rest his head on her shoulder again.

After a moment he sat up and looked at her again. His dark eyes searched hers for a moment before he spoke softly. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, my love," she whispered, brushing her fingers across his cheeks. She looked him up and down. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. "Yes, now that I'm with you."

She smiled, but then her face was filled with concern. "Did Snoke hurt you?"

"No," he replied, honestly.

Rey took his hands and pulled him over to the bed. She sat down, pulling him into a sitting position next to her. She gently moved his hair away from his face. "Tell me what happened," she whispered.

"Snoke tried to kill Finn, but I stopped him."

"How?" she asked, knowing how relentless Snoke could be.

"I pretended that I hated Finn and thought that he deserved a more painful death, so I suggested that we tie him to a tree in the woods and let him be food for the wolves."

Rey looked horrified. "But Finn is afraid of wolves, you know he doesn't like being in the woods alone."

"I know," Ben whispered. "But it was the only way, I slipped a dagger into Finn's hand."

Rey nodded. "But when Snoke finds out he'll..."

"I know," Ben whispered, gently caressing her face.

"Ben, I can't let them hurt you again," she said. She looked around the dark cell. "We have to escape, I have to get you out of here."

"Rey, there's no way to escape," he told her. He had searched the cell multiple times, each time in vain.

"The bed is made of metal, maybe we could use it as a battering ram and bust the door open," she suggested.

Ben looked at the bed, then at the door. It might work, but it would be really loud and would probably alert the guards who he knew were standing in the dungeon. And if Snoke knew that they had tried to escape, there was no telling what he would do to Rey. He had to keep her safe.

"It would make too much noise," he said.

"But I have to do something, I can't just let Snoke hurt you again."

"I'll be okay, sweetheart," he whispered, gently moving her hair behind her ear. "It's nothing that I haven't faced before."

She looked at him with an intense stare. "You shouldn't have to."

Ben hugged her. "Rey, I promise I will get you out of here as soon as I get an opportunity."

Rey wrapped her arms around him. "Just don't do anything reckless, darling."

"Reckless? Me?" He laughed softly.

"Yes, I don't want you to get hurt. Keeping you safe is more important than escaping. Promise you'll be careful."

"I promise," he answered. Then he gently lifted her head from his shoulder and looked into her eyes. He placed his palms on either side of her face, gently brushing his thumbs across her cheeks.

Rey smiled slightly at his gently touch, she lifted her hands placing them over his, rubbing them softly.

He leaned closer to her, gently pressing his lips against hers. She pulled him closer, kissing him lovingly.

"I love you, Ben," she whispered against his lips.

He kissed her. "I love you too."

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now