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Ƒinn, Rose, Poe and Ben's knights made their way towards the Eastern gate with Luke and his students following closely behind.

As they reached the Eastern gate they found the chaos that the unexpected attack had caused. Snoke's men were scurrying, trying to reach the gate as Alderaan's army attacked. They certainly wouldn't be expecting an attack from behind, but Finn hoped that an attack wouldn't be necessary. He hoped that once they learned that their leader was dead and they were now outnumbered, they would surrender without a fight. But he had to be ready for a fight in case one did break out.

Poe gestured for Finn and some of the others to move around the other side so that they could surround Snoke's men.

Finn nodded, then he, Rose and several of Luke's students moved quietly around to slip up behind Snoke's men.

Two of Snoke's men turned to look back at them as they seemed to realize that there was someone behind them.

"Don't move, we have you surrounded," Poe warned.

More of Snoke's men turned to face the new attackers. They exchanged glances as if they were trying to decide rather or not they should fight or surrender.

"Snoke is dead," Finn informed them. "You would be fighting for nothing."

The men turned to their leader, in question.

"If we surrender, can you guarantee that we will be given a fair trial?" the General asked.

"King Han and Queen Leia are just rulers, they always give a fair trial," Poe replied.

"And they are willing to give you a second chance to prove your loyalty to Alderaan," Finn added.

Snoke's men nodded, many of them knew that Finn had once been a part of Snoke's army. And Finn knew that there were very few of Snoke's servants who were truly loyal to him, most of them had either been forced into his army as boys or Snoke had threatened to harm their families if they didn't serve him, he controlled his army with fear, not loyalty and Finn could see that many of the men actually seemed relieved that Snoke was dead.

"Lay down your arms," the General ordered.

The men obeyed, throwing down their swords.


Rey looked up at Ben as he held her while the doctor finished wrapping the long bandage around her to stop the bleeding. She smiled as Ben tried to make sure that she was comfortable. It didn't really hurt that badly and it was just a minor injury. She was sure that she could stand on her own if need be; but she didn't want to... right now she just wanted to enjoy being in his arms.

They had only been apart for a few days but she had missed him terribly. She never wanted to be parted from him for so long again. She promised herself that if there was anything that she could do about it she would never spend so much time away from him again. She hadn't realized how close they had become until he wasn't around, but when he wasn't there she had felt so strange walking around the castle without him walking at her side.

His dark eyes met hers and he couldn't help a small smile at the way she was looking at him; like he meant more than the world to her.

Rey placed her hand on his; she wished that they were alone so that she could cover him with kisses and tell him how much she had truly missed him.

As the doctor finished securing Rey's bandages, Ben looked away from her for the first time and turned to the doctor. "Thank you."

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now