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Ʀey unpacked her's and Ben's bedding as Poe and Ben built a fire. While Finn and Rose began preparing to cook a stew. Soon a delicious aroma filled the camp and everyone gathered around the fire. Finn and Rose passed out the bowls of soup to each of their friends.

Finn said the blessing, then they all began to eat.

"This is delicious," said Ben.

"Thank you," Finn and Rose both replied at the same time. They turned to smile at each other.

Once they were finished eating, they all helped Finn and Rose clean up and put the dishes away. Then they gathered around the fire again. Rey sat down on the ground in front of a log.

After a moment, Ben came over and sat on the log behind her. Poe was glaring at him, but Ben just ignored him and focused on Rey.

"How are the wedding plans coming?" Rey asked Rose. She tried not to giggle as she felt Ben begin to play with her hair.

"Good, but we've decided to postpone it," she answered.

"We decided that it wouldn't be a good idea right now, Snoke could attack at any moment," Finn added.

"I hope this war will be over soon," Ben said as he continued braiding a small strain of Rey's hair. When he was a little boy, he had always liked doing his mother's hair because he wanted to make her look beautiful and he wanted to spend time with her. His mother always seemed to enjoy it and he hoped that Rey would too. She certainly seemed to be.

"Me too," Finn agreed.

"It's lasted too long." Ben began braiding another strain of Rey's hair. "I was a young lad when it started, I barely remember a time when there was peace."

The others nodded, they had all been young when the war began and peace had became nothing but a distant memory.

"How did you get brought into all of this Ben?" Rose asked gently. "I know you don't agree with Snoke."

Finn nodded. "Why did you join him? You seem way to nice to join some guy who was trying to destroy your home and your family."

Ben's eyes grew sad and he began to fiddle with Rey's hair nervously. "It's... it's a long story."

Poe gestured for him to continue. "We have plenty of time." His tone sounded more like someone trying to interrogate someone than have a friendly conversation.

Ben didn't look at him, he kept his eyes on what he was doing. "It's not something I enjoy talking about..." he said softly, the pain was evident in his voice.

Rey wanted to comfort him, but it was difficult with him sitting behind her. She didn't want to take his hands and make him feel as though she didn't like him touching her hair, she liked it very much. She lifted her hand and gently placed it on his calf in an attempt to comfort him. She rubbed his leg in a comforting manner.

It worked, but Poe was still shooting him a suspicious look.

"... and I'm actually a little tired, so I was thinking of going to bed early," he continued.

Rey stared into the fire, feeling disappointed. She had been enjoying spending time with him. And she was certainly enjoying the feeling of his fingers brushing through her hair and gently rubbing her scalp, it felt amazing. But she could also understand why he didn't want to stay. It was strange, she was already beginning to feel lonely without him.

"I understand," Rose replied sweetly.

Ben nodded and stood up. "Goodnight," he said in a low voice keeping his eyes on the ground.

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now