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Ʀey entered the throne room where her grandfather waited. She wore an elegant gown made of red and black velvet.

"You look beautiful," Snoke told her.

She nodded, but didn't reply. She didn't want to talk to him after what he had done to Ben. She didn't hate him... she couldn't, but that didn't mean that she loved him, that she saw him as her grandfather. How did he expect her to be a loving granddaughter after he had tried to kill her husband? Not to mention all of the things he'd done to Ben in the past.

"Come, sit with me," he gestured to the empty throne next to him...Queen Leia's throne.

She didn't want to, but she did as she was asked for Ben's sake. This was all for him she told herself.

"You will rule at my side, and one day you will take my place," Snoke said.

"Yes, grandfather," she replied evenly. "I am honored to rule at your side." She kept an emotionless face, trying to hide her broken heart. She had to be strong, Ben's life depended upon it.


That night, Rey went to her room...hers and Ben's. She sighed deeply, she wished that he was here.

She changed out of the fancy dress that Snoke had made her wear and pulled on one of Ben's shirts, wanting to feel close to him.

She climbed in bed and snuggled into the blankets.

It didn't take her long to start feeling lonely, she hadn't slept alone for over a week and she missed his arms around her. Even before they had started sharing a bed, she was used to having him sleep in the same room as her. It seemed like only yesterday that she had shared her first kiss with him...but at the same time it felt like it had been an eternity.

Tears spilled from her eyes as she remembered her dream of having a family with him. The faces of the precious children born of her love for him now broke her heart. Would they ever get to have children or even get share another kiss? Would she ever get to give herself to him as she now found herself longing to?

She blinked back her tears, trying to keep hope and faith alive within her. God had saved him from death, he could save him from bondage. She remembered what Ben had said, that if not for the bad they may never have met. She had to believe that even this darkness had a purpose, that good could come of it.

"God please deliver us. Please let me see Ben again, let us be a husband and wife again. And until then give us peace, please take care of him," she whispered.

Feeling peace come over her, she thought of Ben. She closed her eyes trying to imagine him laying next to her...his arms around her. She imagined that if she thought about him with all of her heart and imagined him laying here with her, he would feel it too. Perhaps it was childish but it was the only thing that she had to hold onto now.


Rey opened her eyes, she was laying in patch of soft green grass. All around her were the smooth white trunks of birch trees.

She was wearing nothing but thin sleeveless nightgown, but she wasn't cold...she felt warm arms around her. They were strong and held her in a tight but gentle embrace. She could feel his chest pressed against his her back, his legs entangled with hers.

She smiled placing her hand over his where it rested on her ribs. He moved his hand across her taught stomach, touching her gently. She closed her eyes, enjoying his touch for a moment before she turned over to face him.

The golden rays of sunlight filtered through the trees to shine on the face of the one she loved, his onyx eyes shimmered in the morning light. She allowed her eyes to slide down to his lips and she felt her heart leap at the sight of the warm, affectionate smile that she found there. She loved his smile, he didn't smile often but when he did it was always pure and genuine and sincere, never fake or forced. His smile could brighten her darkest day, like a beautiful sunrise after a moonless night.

She pulled him closer pressing her lips gently against his. He placed his hand behind her head, drawing nearer to her and kissing her hungrily in return.

After a moment she pulled away from him wanting to look at him once more. She offered him an affectionate smile as she looked into his eyes, and he smiled broadly in return, moving his hands across her back tenderly. She loved it when he smiled at her like that, it was as if for a moment he was able to forget everything that his past held and truly cherish the joy of the moment.

She ran her fingers through his hair, before allowing her hands to slide down his bare chest. They made their way down to where he had been stabbed. Her brow furrowed, there was no wound, no scar...it was as if it had never happened.

She felt a pang in her chest as reality set in...this wasn't real. She wasn't with him...she was alone. This was a dream.

"This isn't real," she breathed heavy heartedly. She looked up to meet his eyes. "This is a dream."

"Then I never want to wake up," he answered touching her face gently.

She smiled sadly, wishing that this was real. She wished they were really alone together, enjoying a quiet moment together after what must have been an amazing night. But dream or reality it made no difference, she wanted to enjoy this moment with him. She leaned in to kiss him again, holding him close and never wanting to let go.


"One dream is worth more than a thousand realities."



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Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now