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Ʀey walked down the hallway of the dungeon.

"I have orders from your grandfather, you're not allowed to come in here," one of the guards told her.

"I just came to see my husband," she replied, it was partially true, she just didn't mention that she was here to free him as well. Who knows maybe they would allow her to see him.

"That's exactly the reason Snoke said that you're not allowed in here, he doesn't want you speaking to the prince anymore."

"Yes but he's been terribly injured, it's urgent that I see him," she answered.

"You know what Snoke will do if I tell him...." suddenly the guards words were cut short as Adren slipped up behind him and knocked him in the back of the head. The guard fell forward, his armor clattered against the stone floor as his unconscious form descended.

Christoper and Darius knocked out two other guards who were standing nearby.

Christopher tossed a ring of keys to Rey. "Rey, get everyone out, we'll keep the guards busy."

Rey nodded and went over to Ben's cell. She unlocked the door and opened it to find him waiting for her.

He embraced her, pulling her into a tight hug. "I missed you already," he whispered.

She smiled against his shoulder and rubbed his back gently. "I missed you too, dear."

Ben kissed her lips sweetly before pulling away to look into her eyes.

"It's so nice to be able to kiss you without bars between us," she whispered.

He nodded, brushing his thumb over her cheek. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No beloved," she answered. She gently placed her hand over his wound. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I feel much better now that I'm with you," he smiled.

Rey couldn't help but blush a little, something about the way he would smile like that at her always made her cheeks redden. "Can you walk?" she asked him concerned.

Ben nodded. "I can manage."

She nodded, she could tell that he was just pushing through the pain, but it was just like him to do so. "Wait here while I unlock the other cells," she told him, not wanting to make him have to do more than what was necessary.

Reluctantly, he obliged seeing her reasoning.

Rey then began to open the cells one by one, and soon Christopher, Adren and Darius came over to join her.

As soon as Queen Leia was free, she hurried over to Ben. She reached up, placing her hands on either side of his face. Her worried eyes scanned him as she searched for any injuries, the bruises on his face had begun to heal and were now only faintly visible. But Ben knew that she could see the pain he hid behind his eyes, she always had when he was a boy. And she must have seen the way he was clutching his side, it was a deep wound and it would take a while to heal.

"Ben, are you okay? Are you hurt?" she asked, concerned.

Ben smiled down at her. "I'm okay mother," he answered, before placing a tender kiss on her forehead.

She gave him a doubtful look before glancing down meaningfully at his wound.

"It doesn't hurt," he lied. "Besides it's been stitched and cleaned. It'll heal soon."

"Just be careful Ben. It's not just a scratch it's a deep wound, you don't need to push yourself. You still haven't regained your strength," she said.

"I'll be careful mum," he promised.

He looked over at Rey as she came towards him. "Did you stitch my wound?"

"No, the royal doctor did. Christopher brought him when no one was looking," she tried to hide the tears that had began to form in her eyes. "I thought I was going to lose you."

Ben looked at her affectionately, the tears in the corners of her eyes stung his heart. He pulled her into a hug, placing several gentle kisses in her long hair. "It's okay Rey, we're together now." He rubbed her back soothingly.

Leia smiled as she watched them, she seemed happy to see them together this way.

Once they had broken their embrace, Christopher came over and handed Ben his sword. "Brother," he said.

Ben took the sword before placing his hand on his shoulder in a brotherly way.

Christopher then turned to Rey and offered her a smile before passing her the sword that Ben had given her. "My lady," he said.

Rey smiled at him. "Christopher, you don't have to call me that. If Ben is your brother, then I am your sister."

"Thank you Rey. I have a lot of brothers," he gestured to the other knights. "But I've always wanted a sister."

She nodded, smiling at him. "I've always wanted a little brother. We'll all be a family now." She said, then she turned to Ben and wrapped her arm around his waist so that she could help him walk.

Normally he would have felt slightly embarrassed that he needed assistance to walk, but right now he liked that he had an excuse for her to keep her arms around him as they walked. He liked being close to her.

"Ben, as soon as this is over I'm going to ask your parents if we can go somewhere together for a few days, alone...just you and me," she whispered.

Ben smiled, placing his hand over hers where it rested on his side. He gently brushed his thumb over the top of her hand. "I would love that," he whispered.

Rey smiled up at him. "We never got to have our honeymoon."

He looked at her shamefully. "That's probably my fault, I wasn't allowed to leave the castle."

"It's better this way. Now that we've fallen in love with each other we can spend the time together as a husband and wife, not as strangers." She moved her hand soothingly across his side.

He looked at her with passion in his eyes, but he swallowed a little nervously. "That sounds wonderful."

"Where do you want to go?" she whispered.

"Anywhere as long as I'm with you," he answered lovingly.

"Well you're stuck with me now, I'm never letting you out of my sight again. I'm going wherever you go, so that could be anywhere," she answered.

He smiled at her before leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now