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Ƭhe knights took Rey and Ben into the dungeon and aggressively pushed them into an empty cell.

Ben staggered and Rey steadied him, realizing how weak the torture had made him. She knew that he was in pain and all she wanted to do was comfort him.

The knights slammed the cell door closed, there was a small click as the door locked followed by the heavy footsteps of the knights as they left. Rey looked around, the cell was made of sturdy stone on all four walls with a strong wooden door, the only exit. On the door was a small barred opening that allowed the jail keeper to speak to the prisoners, and keep an eye on them. So much for privacy, she thought. The cell was dim, the one source of light was a small barred window. One thing was for certain, this cell was designed to prevent anyone from escaping.

This was her worst nightmares being trapped with no hope of escaping, but she had discovered a fate far worse than that... losing Ben or having to watch him be tortured. Suddenly the dim cell didn't seem so dark, especially since she was still holding him tightly in her arms.

She turned to look at him, gently placing her hand on his cheek. He leaned against her palm. "Ben, I'm sorry, I couldn't stop it. I promised that I wouldn't let him hurt you again. I wanted to save you...."

"... I couldn't watch you get hurt," Ben interrupted, stroking her long brown hair.

"Ben..." she whispered. "... I love you, I would die for you."

"So would I," he whispered.

Rey pulled him down closer to her, then she began covering his face with passionate kisses.

Ben sighed closing his eyes as he felt her lips moving across his face. She kissed his forehead, then his cheeks and his lips, before she moved to kiss him along his jaw and across his chin. Then she began kissing along his neck and he felt his heart flutter in his chest. She wrapped her arms around him as she kissed along his collarbone and his shoulders. He wished that it would never end, but finally she stopped and looked up him.

"Let me see," she whispered moving to stand behind him. She clenched her hands into fists as she saw the bloody streaks all across his back.

"It's not your fault, Rey," he said gently, knowing what she would feel when she saw his wounds. "I would rather endure this pain than the pain of watching you get hurt."

"So would I. He did this to you, he's hurt you so many times. I hate him..." she whispered.

"Rey... no..." he said softly, knowing that it was wrong to hate someone, no matter what they had done. Jesus forgave those who had done far worse to him, and they could do no less. That was what she had taught him, and now he held it in his own heart. He knew how hatred could weigh on someone, and he didn't want her to bear the weight of hatred all over again. Hatred was a far worse prison than the cell they were in.

She touched his arms gently, realizing that he was right. "It needs to be cleaned and bandaged," she said. Then she pulled him over to the small narrow bed along the wall of the cell. "Lay down... I'll take care of you."

Ben nodded and laid down on his belly.

Rey spotted a pitcher of water and a basin sitting on a small table on the other side of the cell. She filled the basin with water and came over to sit next to him on the bed. She began tearing the hem of her simple tan dress, carefully tearing it all the way around so that it would be long enough to wrap around him and use for a bandage. Then she tore off one corner to use to clean his wounds. She dipped it into the basin, soaking it with water. Then she began to clean one of the long wounds left by the whip.

His back was covered with blood and it was hard to see where the wounds were, so she had to clean his whole back. He inhaled sharply the water stung his open wounds. As she cleaned the worst of his wounds, he whimpered softly. "Shh... shh," she said gently. She slipped her left hand into his, as she continued cleaning his wounds with her right. She began softly singing the lullaby her father had sung to her as a child, trying to soothe the pain away. "Hush now my baby, hush now my darling, you'll be safe in my arms 'til morning's light. And even if I am not by your side, you will be in my heart forevermore. If you feel alone ... look at the stars and remember you're in my heart and you always will be."

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now