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Meanwhile, in the abandoned city of Mustafar...

General Hux treaded through the halls of the charred ruins of the once great castle of Mustafar. He made his way towards the throne room at a brisk pace. He kept his hands folded behind his back, watching every guard he passed carefully as if he was inspecting them.

As he approached the guards would quickly stiffen and come to attention in an attempt to impress one of their commanders. But Hux was not an easy person to impress.

He slowed as he heard footsteps coming up behind him. He stopped and looked back to see Captain Phasma. She wore shiny armor made of steel and a black cape was draped over her shoulders. Her curly platinum blonde locks were chopped short and framed her strong beautiful face.

"How did your mission go?" Hux asked her, in a casual voice.

"Very well," she replied. "We've concurred the northern villages."

"Snoke will be pleased," he said offering her a small smile, but it quickly faded. "At least the good news of your success will soften the blow of the bad news that I have to deliver."

"What bad news?" Phasma asked, obviously concerned. Snoke had never taken bad news well.

"Kylo Ren was captured," Hux replied.

Phasma shrugged, as if it didn't matter. "I don't miss him."

"Me either," Hux replied. "But he was one of our best warriors. Snoke won't be pleased, especially when I tell him that he isn't being held against his will."

"They didn't put him in prison?" she asked.

Hux laughed. "No. Instead, they betrothed him to a servant girl."

"Well she must be a special girl to keep Ren at the castle. Otherwise he would have returned by now," she replied.

Hux shrugged. "Honestly I don't know if Ren was ever truly loyal to our cause. What good would Snoke overthrowing the king and queen be to him when he is the heir to the throne?"

"That's true," Phasma replied. "But he has always been loyal to Snoke."

Hux looked at her. "Only because he had to be."

"Can you blame him?" she whispered.

Hux was silent.

"On any account, I say he is a traitor now, " he said at last.

Phasma nodded. "Agreed. He was always disobeying Snoke's orders anyway. He was weak."

They reached the throne room doors and two guards pushed them open. Hux and Phasma entered the room to see Snoke sitting on the throne.

Snoke was in his late fifties. He had a bald head and dark eyes, he was strongly built and his face was slightly disfigured from his battle scars. The left side of his face and body were badly burned from a fire long ago. He had saved King Han's life, the King was eternally grateful and granted him the highest position next to himself, Queen Leia, and her brother Luke. But the power went to his head and he wanted more. He wanted to rule the kingdom. He believed that his reward for saving the king's life should be the throne. He had come to regret the day he had saved the king.

Hux and Phasma approached the throne, kneeling before him.

"I bring bad news, sire," Hux said, nervously.

Snoke growled. "What is it?"

"Kylo Ren was taken prisoner in battle," Hux replied, his voice breaking in fear.

Snoke slammed his fist on the armrest of the throne. "Are you sure?"

Hux nodded. "Bring him in."

At that two of Snoke's knights brought in a boy, fourteen years of age. His dark brown hair was messy and his brown eyes focused on the stone floor.

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