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Ɗespite staying up late the night before, Rey awoke the moment the sunlight began to poor into the tent. She smiled noticing that Ben still had his left arm and leg draped over her as he had the night before, trying to keep her warm.

Timidly she reached down to tenderly place her hand on the leg that was wrapped around her. She loved him more deeply than she had ever thought possible. Perhaps their marriage hadn't had the best beginning, but God truly did work all things together for good to those who loved him. She had thought that being forced to marry him was a curse, but it had turned out to be one of the biggest blessings of her life.

He opened his eyes and looked at her, blushing slightly as he realized that she had her hand on his thigh. He touched her cheek. "What is it?" he asked concerned.

"I was just thinking," she replied.

"About what?" he whispered.

"About how blessed I am to have you." She smiled shyly, sliding even closer to him and pulling him into her arms. "I love you, more than words can say." She leaned up to place a passionate kiss on his lips. As the kiss grew deeper, Rey began moving her hands across his body. She ran her hands across his chest, before reaching down and moving her hands up his thigh.

He inhaled against her lips as she gently rubbed his thigh again. Out of instinct, he reached over and began timidly touching her in return.

As their mouths danced together, their hands gently grazed over each other's bodies.

Finally the kiss subsided slightly.

"We should get up," he whispered between her kisses.

She gave him a sad look, but knew that he was right. "I wish we could just lay here all day. I don't want to stop kissing you."

He smiled at her. "Me too, perhaps one day we can. When there is peace. But we cannot linger here."

"Will there ever be peace, Ben?" she asked.

"I believe that this war will end, even darkness can't endure forever. Light is stronger. We must have Faith," he answered.

She nodded, then kissed his cheek. She took his hand and they both went outside.

They went over to the fire to join the others for breakfast.


When they finally reached the castle of Alderaan, Ben's worst fears were made a reality. The castle had been overrun by Snoke's army. Even from a distance they could see Snoke's troops guarding the castle gates, and on the ramparts.

Rey looked at her husband, she could see the concern on his face, concern for his parents. She was worried about them too, but she didn't show it. She had to be strong for Ben, she knew how hard it must be for him. She had been where he was, and she knew how much he needed someone to be there for him in this moment.

She reached over and gently placed her hand in his.

He turned to look at her and now she could see the tears in the corners of his eyes. "I never should have left them."

"Ben, none of this is your fault," she answered.

He turned away from her, but didn't pull his hand from her's. "Yes it is, if I had been here I might have been able to keep this from happening," he said. "I don't even know if my parents are still alive."

Tears stung Rey's eyes at the thought, she loved the king and queen as if they were her own parents. She wrapped her arms around him and leaned her head on his back. "Please don't lose hope, Ben," she whispered. "If you didn't leave then you would have no chance of saving them. At least we have a chance, we just have to pray that God will keep your parents safe, and that everything will work out. Like you said, me must have Faith."

He moved in her arms, turning to face her. He wrapped his arms around her, returning the hug. "Thank you Rey," he said, then he took her hand and began to lead her down the path. "We have to at least try."

Rey nodded, squeezing his hand lightly. "And no matter what happens, you did everything that you could."

He nodded, moving a little closer to her. He leaned down to place a kiss on the top of her head.

Finn came up to stand on the other side of Ben, and patted him on the back. It was clear that he'd been listening in on their conversation. "Don't worry Ben, we'll help you rescue your parents. We won't let anything happen to them, if there's any thing we can do about it."

"Thank you, Finn," he answered.

Finn nodded.

Poe came over to join them. "I hate to be a stickler for details, but does anyone have a plan?"

"Uh... not really," Ben answered. "I was just going to charge in and attack, I don't think I could talk my way out of this one like I did at the academy."

Rey smiled and kissed his cheek. "Your uncle was right, you really are just like your father."

Ben blushed, he wasn't sure if it was because of the compliment or because she had just kissed him with everyone watching. Surprisingly, Poe didn't seem at angered by the gesture. Before he had seemed to think that Rey was a traitor for loving him. If anyone was a traitor it was him, not her.

"I do have an idea," Finn said, interrupting his thoughts. "We could try to sneak in."

"In broad daylight? They would see us," Poe pointed out.

Finn nodded thoughtfully.

"What we need is a distraction," Rose joined the conversation.

Finn nodded. "Exactly."

"The soldiers could attack head on," Ben suggested. "If they attack the front gate, most of Snoke's men would probably move from their post to defend it."

"And while they're busy with the attack, we slip in through one of the side doors with Luke's students," Rey finished.

Finn nodded. "Then we find your parents and free them."

Poe nodded thoughtfully. "That sounds like a good plan," he said. "If we can, we'll liberate the castle, but if not we'll get the King and Queen out of here."

They all nodded.

"Getting them to safety is the most important thing," said Finn.

"Thank you," Ben replied.

Finn nodded.

"No need to thank us, protecting the royal family is our job. That includes you, Ben," Poe answered.

"Thank you for giving me a second chance," Ben answered.

Poe nodded. "If not for you, none of this would even be possible." He gestured to the men who had only joined them because of Ben.

Rey nodded, laying her head on his shoulder.

"And thanks to Rey for helping me see that you were a good person," Poe added smiling.

Ben smiled at her. "Me too."

She smiled back, kissing his cheek again.

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now