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Ɓy noon the next day, they approached Luke's academy. It was a large stone building, positioned on a wide ledge on the side of the mountain. The space was filled with boulders, but the ground was carpeted with vibrant green grass. It was a beautiful day, but they couldn't see anyone outside. Ben thought that was strange, it was filled with young boys and the area was usually filled with activity. Normally the sound of swords clashing could be heard from a distance, but he heard only the whipping of the mountain wind.

"Is it usually so quiet?" Finn asked Ben.

"No," he replied in a low voice.

"I don't like it," Poe whispered.

"Me either," Ben replied.

"Look," Rey said, pointing at the door of the academy.

Ben looked in the direction that she was pointing and saw two guards standing on either side of the door.

"Do they usually post guards at the door?" Rey asked.

"No," he answered gravely. "And those aren't just guards, they're Snoke's soldiers."

"Do you think Snoke is holding them here?" Poe asked.

"It seems that way," Ben answered.

"What should we do?" Rose asked.

"I have an idea," Ben replied. "This far in the mountains, they probably don't know that I've betrayed Snoke. Maybe I can get us in without any trouble. But just incase, Rey, Finn, Rose and Poe, could you slip in through the small wooden door in the back? It leads to the kitchen and it's most likely unguarded. If there is a guard, it'll only be one, and I know that the four of you can handle that. I'll go through the main gate and hopefully, they haven't heard what happened and I'll be able to get in."

"I'm coming with you," Rey said stubbornly.

"Rey..." he began.

"What if they try to kill you? At least if I'm there be it will two against four instead of one against four, I know how to use a sword, I'm not helpless I've been fighting for survival since I was seven," she interrupted.

"Rey, I don't want you to get hurt."

"I fought four bandits alone when I was fifteen, I can take care of myself," she replied.

"So can I."

"But you don't have to," she said.

"Neither do you," he sighed, giving in. He had learned from his parents that it was better to surrender while he still had a chance. Not doing so was usually got his father into trouble. And he knew how Rey was, if he told her not to come, she'd probably just follow him. "Fine you can come with me. Here, take my extra sword." He pulled a sword from his saddle pack and passed it to her.

She smiled and accepted it, then they both road towards the front gate of the academy.

Once they were out of earshot, Poe shook his head. "Love birds," he said.

Finn nodded and dismounted. "Yeah, they can't deny that they've fallen in love with each other for sure." He went over to Rose and assisted her out of the saddle. Then he offered his hand to her, she smiled as she accepted it and they began to walk quietly towards the back door.

Poe patted his horse, a painted stallion. "We're surrounded, buddy," he whispered. Then he dismounted and went over to join Finn and Rose.

Rey rode behind Ben as he approached the front door of the academy. He halted and she drew in her reins as she came up next to him. He dismounted and she followed him. Then he walked up to the door and the guards saluted him. She breathed a deep sigh of relief; they didn't know about his betrayal to Snoke.

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now