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"Ɯait!" Ben shouted, Snoke and his knights all turned to look at him. "I would like to deal with this traitor myself."

Snoke nodded and one of his knights passed his dagger to Ben.

"A blade is to noble of a death for him... I know him... his worst fears. Take him to the forest and tie him to a tree to be food for the wolves," said Ben.

A look of horror spread over Finn's face, and Snoke laughed, the sound sending chills up Finn's spine. Finn suddenly wondered why he had shared his greatest fear with Ben, he knew that Ben was only doing this to protect Rey... but why did he have to make him suffer? Why couldn't he just stab him and get it over with. He was willing to die to keep Rey safe. But why did Ben have to cause him more pain in the process?

Snoke turned to his knights. "Take him to the woods and tie him to a tree," he ordered.

The knights drug Finn out of the throne room, with Ben following behind them.


They walked through the forest beneath the shadows of the trees for three hours before they finally reached the deep part of the woods. There had been many reports of hunters going missing or being killed in these parts.

"Let's tie him up over there," one of the knights pointed to a large tree.

His comrades nodded in agreement. One of the knights took out a rope, while the others pulled Finn over to the tree trunk. They pushed him down onto the ground, and pulled his arms back, before trying his hands securely behind the tree trunk.

"Let's go," said the leader.

"Wait," Ben moved behind the tree. "Let me make sure it's tight enough... we wouldn't want him to escape."

He knelt down and tightened the ropes around Finn's hands.

"Ow!" Finn bursted out. What is he doing? If he's trying to help he is doing a terrible job. It's almost as if he wants me to suffer. Finn thought, but just as the thoughts entered his mind, he felt Ben slip something into his hands. It felt like... a dagger. He tried not let his expression change, so he kept his face in a grimace.

Ben stepped away and Finn shot him an angry look so that no one would suspect. "How could you do this? I thought you were my friend!" Finn yelled.

"I would never be friends with a traitor," Ben replied sharply, then turned to leave. "I hope the wolves eat you nice and slowly." The other knights laughed and followed him.

Finn watched, waiting until they were out of sight. Then he began to slowly cut through the rope around his wrists. It was a slow process...this could take a while, but at least he was alive...thanks to Ben. He had been to quick to judge him, he should have known that Ben would never be that heartless.


Rey sighed, her worst nightmares had become a reality. Her whole life she had never feared death, or pain...she'd only feared losing those she loved and being held prisoner, powerless to do anything.

The cell hadn't seemed so dark with Ben there with her. It hadn't felt much like a prison because she was where she wanted to be... with him. She didn't care if they were in the finest room of the castle or the lowest cell, the only place she truly wanted to be was in his arms. But now she was trapped here while he had been taken away. She feared for him, and she missed him dearly.

She found herself doing the very thing she'd fussed at him for doing earlier. She paced across the floor, feeling restless. She'd searched the cell for a way out three times already, but each time her search had been in vain.

She couldn't even find away to describe what she was feeling right now. Her husband was in danger and there was nothing she could do to protect him. She'd made a promise to the king and queen that she would protect their son, and she couldn't help but feel that she was breaking that promise, even though she was powerless in that moment. Even more than that she loved him, and the thought of the things that Snoke might do to him broke her heart into a thousand pieces.

The thought of Snoke harming Ben filled her with rage... she screamed angrily and grabbed the metal water basin, slamming it down on the middle hinge of the door as hard as she could, hoping to knock it loose. She hammered down on it again and again until she was exhausted and the hinge hadn't budged, it was completely undamaged while the basin had several dents along it's edge.

She collapsed to her knees, a tear falling down her cheek. The memory of the night when she'd held him as he slept in her arms entered her mind. He had told her everything that had happened...what Snoke had done to him. He'd admitted to her that he was afraid of Snoke. She'd promised him that she would never let Snoke hurt him again... but she hadn't been able to stop Snoke from hurting him. Now she was trapped here and she had no way of even knowing if he was safe or not. What if Snoke was doing the unthinkable to him?

Anger filled her again and she began slamming her fists against the door.

A guard came up and looked down at her through the bars. "Shut up, scum!" he yelled.

"Please, just tell me if my husband is alright?" Rey begged.

"He may be your husband, but he doesn't belong to you, he belongs to Snoke. You will be lucky if Snoke even lets him come back to sleep with you."

Rey glared at him. She wanted to scream that she didn't care what Snoke said, Ben belonged to her and she belonged to him. That she wouldn't let Snoke take her husband, but the guard turned away before she had the chance.

With him no longer looking at her, her anger was replaced by grief. What if she never saw Ben again?

Rey leaned her head against the door as tears continued to fall from her eyes. "Dear God... please protect him...please help us. Please bring him back to me."

Will You Love Me? (A Medieval Reylo AU)Where stories live. Discover now