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Finally! I thought to myself as my manager announced that my shift was over. I was tired of working for hours on end in the tiny coffee grounds-scented cafe. I hung up my white apron on a hook and grabbed a blueberry muffin that had not been bought by any customers. After that, I walked out of the cafe, making sure to lock the door.

I felt the cool night's breeze as I stepped out of the warm coffee shop, the coldness settling into my skin. I walked down the street eating my muffin and scrolling through my Twitter feed. I wondered what I would make for dinner.
Mmm, maybe some ramen? Yes! And some teokbokki. But do I have enough p-

My thoughts were cut off my a loud meow. I looked to my right and saw a little kitten with orange and tan fur. He had the most beautiful green eyes. He meowed again, but this time, he hissed afterwards. I came a bit closer.

"Hi there, little kitty! Don't worry, I won't hurt you..." I said, extending my hand out towards him. He came a bit closer and sniffed it. Then, he licked it. He started to nuzzle his head into my hand until I started to fully pet him.
Awww, so cute! I thought.

"Oh, poor kitty. You look so dirty... you just be hungry, too! Don't worry, I'll take you home with me." I said.
I picked up the kitty and walked back to my apartment.


After I got inside, I took off my long red coat and threw it on my brown leather couch. I then took the kitty into my kitchen.
"Hmmm, let's see. What do cats like to eat?" I asked the kitty. He cocked his head to the side and continued to stare at me.

"What about... milk?" I questioned, taking out a carton of milk from the fridge. I took a bowl out of my cabinet and poured some milk in. I carefully set in on the floor.

The little kitty cane right over to the bowl and started lapping up the cold milk.

"Aww, good kitty!"  I cheered happily.
"But wait... what should I call you... How about Jimin?" I asked him. He continued to drink the milk.
"Good! I know you like it." I said, reaching down to scratch his ears. He purred and arched his back.
I went to my pantry and took out the instant ramen and rice cakes. By the time I finished repairing them, little Jiminie has finished his milk.

"Good boy!" I said. Then, I went into my fridge and took out some salmon. I cleaned it and cooked it for a bit, then gave it to Jimin to eat while I ate my food.

After we finished, I took him to my bathroom for a bath. I filled the tub with lukewarm water and bubbles, hoping that he would enjoy it.
As I lowered him into the tub, he surprisingly endured it, and I made sure not to get any water on his ears or his tail.

I told him out and dried him off, making sure that there was no more dirt on him. Afterwards, I changed into my pajamas:

 Afterwards, I changed into my pajamas:

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 After changing, I picked Jimin up and set him on my bed

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After changing, I picked Jimin up and set him on my bed. We settled into the covers and I cuddled him close to me, enjoying his warmth.

I slept peacefully that night.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now