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I love you~

The next day, I had forgotten I had work.

"Shoot." I muttered, checking the time. I was going to be late, but I could do my best to get there only 5 minutes late. However, there was only one thing stopping me.
"Jiminie, honey, you need to let go." I said, trying to pry Jimin's arms off of my waist.
"No, you can't leave me unless I say so." he said, pulling me closer to him, smothering my face with his warm chest. I sighed and snuggled closer into the warmth, but then stopped and tried to pull away again, remembering that I was going to be late.

"But, I have work."
"Does it look like a give a-"
"Okay, okay. Tell you what, I'll let you... come with me?" Jimin's grip loosened a bit.
"Really?" he asked, eyes glowing.
"Yes, of course, but we'll need to get up now." you said.
"Kiss me first." he said. You leaned in and gave him a small peck on the cheek.
"No, want a real kiss." he pouted. I pecked him on the lips. He frowned more and then pulled me closer, smashing his lips against mine. He kissed me hungrily, letting out low growls and whines as he did so. When he pulled away, I blushed.
"Silly kitty." I grinned and rubbed his head. He laid back down, but I got out of bed, causing him to follow me.

We went into the bathroom to brush our teeth. Jimin insisted on doing everything for me. He brushed my hair while I brushed his, and even insisted on trying to do my makeup. I, of course, refused because I didn't feel like looking like a clown.
He demanded kisses the whole time I was trying to get dressed. I had to push him out of the room so that I would get changed. I felt bad because I could hear his continuous whines and scratched at the door. Honestly, I couldn't understand why he was being so clingy. It was cute, though. I finally opened the door after I was finished.

"I missed you so much!" he whined, nuzzling his face into my neck, rubbing his hands all over my waist.
"But that was only 3 minutes.."
"Yeah, 3 minutes too long." he muttered.
"Here, let's get you some breakfast."

You two went downstairs. You grabbed a water bottle for Jimin to drink, as well as a lunch you had pre-packed. You gave him a muffin and a banana to eat for breakfast, before grabbing your car keys and putting on your coat, which Jimin absolutely had to help with.

"Hey, wait, what are you going to eat for breakfast?" he asked.
"Nothing, I'm not hungry." you replied. He shook his head and went to get an apple and a muffin for you, as well.
"Jiminie, I won't have time to eat it while I'm working."
"Then I'll make time." he said. You just rolled your eyes.

You saw that Hoseok and Yoongi had left already. You just shrugged, expecting to get a text later, before opening the front door and leaving with Jimin.


"Oh, Y/N. How are you doing?" Namjoon immediately greeted you.
"Oh, fine, thank you! Sorry that I was a bit late." you said.
"It's fine. I was just a bit worried. I thought you weren't coming in today." he said.
"Hehe, of course I am. I'm here right now." you said.
"Well, do you want to maybe go out for dinner agai-"
Suddenly, a loud growl erupted from Jimin's throat. He snatched up your waist, pulling you closer to him and away from Namjoon.
"Jimin, honey-"
"No." he replied, growling.
"Um, who are you?" Namjoon questioned.
"I'm her boyfriend." he replied, glaring at Namjoon.
"Oh..." Namjoon said disappointedly. His crush on you was obvious, but you knew he was going to find out at some point. You didn't want to make his workspace uncomfortable by rejecting him.
"Yeah." you said. He had wasted his time.
"Well, get to work." he blatantly said. You nodded, looking down and biting your lip as he turned around and walked away.

Jimin, on the other hand, was smiling, extremely happy that he was able to properly defend you. You frowned.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Nothing, let's go." you said, pulling him along with you to the front desk. Jimin whined. What was wrong with him?

When you walked into the front desk, the old receptionist immediately glared at you. You just shrugged.
"Good morning, ladies. Let's work hard today!" you greeted, and then sat down at your desk.

You split up the paperwork between everyone evenly, something that the old receptionist hadn't done. You started to work silently, while Jimin sat in a foldable chair next to you. He was bored out of his mind, when suddenly, he remembered he breakfast he got for you. He then realized that he had forgotten it in the car. Frowning, he asked to go get it. You nodded your head and told him which button to press to unlock the car door. He quickly went outside to look for your food.


"Um, hi!" a voice greeted at the front desk. You are confused, but the realize that it was a last minute appointment. You walked up to the window, only to see that it was the one and only: Kim Seokjin.

"Oh my gosh, Jinnie!" you squealed. You walked out into the lobby area and hugged him.
"I missed you." he said.
"I missed you, too. Why are you here?" huh asked.
"Well, my puppy, Muffin, is sick, so I thought I'd come here." he said.
"Oh, okay!" you said.
"So, about dinner..."
"Do you want to join me tonight? I promise it'll be amazing." he said. You nodded.
"Yay! I'll call you later about it, but first, my puppy." he said, holding up a small dog covered in brown stringy fur.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now