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The next day, you arrived to work promptly.

You ran as fast as you could in your heels and plaid pencil skirt, trying not to trip and spill your coffee in the process.

When you got inside the company, you were utterly shocked. Tons of people were running around in business suits or normal fashion. You saw chefs and waiters running around carrying pots and pans full of various dishes. The front desk area was massive, and there were lines separating each receptionists. You could barely hear yourself think. You looked through the clear glass windows of the building into the busy streets outside. You turned around and made your way into one of the lanes.

Suddenly, someone cut you in line. You tapped on the tall person's shoulder, and they turned around swiftly, almost knocking you down. The man looked to be about 40, and he had some grey hair and thin glasses. He gazed down at you with a disturbed look and a snort.

"Uhm, excuse me, you cut me in line." you said, politely.
"Yes, and?"
"And... you can't just cut people."
"I have someplace to be."
"Yeah? Well, me, too."

"I don't care. My job is probably more important than yours, anyway. Who are you? Some little waitress trying to become part of CEO Kim's industry?"

"No, actually I'm his-"

"Excuse me." your heard a deep voice cut in. You turned around to see Taehyung.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, hi! I work here."
"Oh... that's interesting. I didn't expect to run into you here, haha. I'm the front desk worker for CEO Kim's office. I let people in and out, take calls, you know, the usual..."

"Um, is this a family reunion?" you turned around to see the middle aged man.
"No, this is an a and b conversation, so see yourself out the door." you spat out. The man looked shocked.

"Don't look so shocked. You were the one being disrespectful in the first place. You say your job is better than hers? What's about me? I work close with CEO Kim, so you better stay out of my way, or I'll get you fired right on the spot. I'm sure he wouldn't want to hear of a little... office worker, ruining the work experience for others. Mess with her again and I'll personally see to your removal from this company." Tae said.

"Periodt." you added.

The man gave a disgusted look and went to the back of the line. You smiled and looked at Taehyung.

"Thanks." you smiled.
"No problem, Y/N." he smiled back.

"Hello. Name?" a receptionist asked.
"Kim Taehyung."
"Oh, sir, why didn't you use your special pass? You could have cut the line fairly simply with your position."
"I had something to take care of." he smiled, looking at you.

"Well, go right ahead." the receptionist said.

"L/N Y/N."
"Oh my gosh! Y-you're..."
"What?" Another receptionist said.
"Janet, look, she's the CEO's new secretary."
"Yes, I am." you responded.

"Oh wow, can I get a picture?"
"Well, I'm sort of in a hurry..."
"Oh, of course, you have bunch of stuff to do for the CEO. Well, go ahead. Hurry, do well!" she said, smiling. You nodded.

Tae took his hand in yours and walked you to an elevator. He clicked the button for the highest floor.

"So, secretary?"
"Wow, I never would have though that. I didn't think you'd know Jin."
"Yep, we're old friends from college. I didn't think the company would be this... big."
"It is, haha."
"He told me he just owned a couple restaurants..."
"Yeah, a couple thousand."

You made it to the front desk where Taehyung took a seat.

"Check in with me everyday you come here, instead of with the receptionists down there. Go in, he's free."

"Okay, thanks!" you said.


You slowly opened the door to his office. It had a sleek, modern design. Bookshelves were on either side of the wall. The back wall was completely glass, and you had an amazing view of the city. A beautiful black desk filled with paperwork, a white desktop, and a plate with a half-eaten croissant sat upon it.

Jin was facing the windows, and did not hear you come in until the large tinted glass doors shut behind you.

He swiftly turned his chair around, turning to face you.

"Oh, good morning, Miss Y/N." Jin smirked. His fingers lightly tapped against the table in a pattern, humming slightly as he brushed his bangs to the side.

"Good morning. You don't have to say miss." you laughed.

He smiled.

"You can set your purse down over there." he said, pointing to a black leather sofa chair in the corner of the room. You set your stuff down before going to his desk.

"So, erm... what do I do?" you asked.

"First order of business... checking up on the restaurants."

"Oh, I'm not doing like... scheduling, calls, secretary stuff?"

"Yes, that is part of your job, but it is also to follow me. And today, I feel like monitoring my restaurants, so you're coming with me." he said, standing up from the desk and grabbing his briefcase.

"Oh, okay."

He grabbed your hand and pulled you along out the office door.

Taehyung gave you a surprised look as you walked past him.

You both walked out of the company and to the parking lot. You expected to ride in an average everyday car, but you walked straight out of the garage and waiting on the street was a sleek black car with a driver holding the door open.

"Thank you." you nodded to the driver as he opened the door for your and Jin.

Off you went.

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