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The next day, you were off work. The first thing in the morning, you got a call from Hoseok. You groaned and stretched, thankful that Jimin was asleep enough for you to creep out of his arms.

"Hi." a voice said.
"Oh, Yoonie? How are you?"
"Sorry to hear that. I am, too."
"Well, why are you calling" you asked.

"Hobi says we're coming over for breakfast."
"Uh... come again?"
"We're coming over to have breakfast with you."
"But, I just woke up, so I haven't made anything."
"He's making the breakfast. He's packing ingredients right now."
"Oh, okay..."
"Bye." Yoongi said, and before you could respond, he hung up the phone.

You sighed and shook your head, upset that Hoseok thought he could just invite himself over, but also happy because he makes really good chocolate-chip pancakes.

You looked to the side to see Jimin still asleep, mumbling to himself and drooling on the pillow.

"Ewww!" you said, taking the pillow away from him. He immediately woke up.
"I was trying to sleep." he said, snatching the pillow back.
"You drooled all over my nice satin pillow." you said.
"Um, okay."
"We have to get up now. Hobi and Yoonie are coming over for breakfast. They're bringing chocolate chip pancakes." you said. Jimin nodded and got up, going to get ready in the bathroom.


"Hey, Y/N!" Hoseok shouted, walking through the door with arms full of baking materials.
"Hi." Yoongi said, as well, carrying a half-eaten banana.

"Hey! Do you want me to help yo-"
"NO! It's a secret recipe. That means only I can know, so you can't help cook." he said, making his way towards the kitchen and setting his bags down. He took off Yoongi's coat and hung it up, as well as his own.

"Oh, that's fine." you replied.

"Hello." Jimin said, yawning as he made his way down the stairs.
"Hi." Yoongi said.

Hoseok had already started to mix the batter together. You went into the living room to see Yoongi laying down on the couch and Jimin playing with an old puzzle that was hidden under your couch.

"Hi, guys! Yoongi, do you wanna help Jiminie with his puzzle?" you asked, scratching his ears.
"No." he said, leaning into your hand more. You scratched his ears a bit more before Jimin interrupted.

"Hey, scratch mine, too." he said.
"I scratch your ears all the time. Let Yoongi have a turn." you said.
With that, Jimin growled and snatched your hand away from Yoongi's head, putting it on his own instead.

You gasped and pulled your hand away.
"Jimin, that's no way to act!" you scolded.
Jimin pouted and looking down, his ears pressed against his head.

"Poor Yoongi just wanted some love and you had to take it away."

"It's fine." Yoongi said.

You shook your head and sat down on the couch, putting Yoongi's head in your lap and watching Jimin scowl.


"I'm done!" Hoseok shouted from the kitchen. You, Yoongi, and Jimin got up and went into the kitchen to see plates set up with a stack of pancakes on each. Next to it was a cup of juice. You all sat down and began to eat.

"Wow, these are really good." you complimented, taking another bite.

"Thank you." Hoseok smiled.
"What did you all do while I was cooking?" Hoseok asked.
"Y/N pet me and I took a nap." Yoongi said.
"I did a puzzle." Jimin said.
"Oh, fun!"

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now