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A few hours later, your heard a loud knocking on the door. You got up from the couch, where you were watching a movie with Jimin and Yoongi. Their eyes followed you as you made your way towards the door.

"Yoongi!" Hoseok shouted, pushing you to the side and running into your house.

Well dang.

"Hobi!" Yoongi cried, getting up and running to Hoseok.

"I m-missed you. No leaving again." Yoongi sniffed, burying his face into Hoseok's shoulder.

"I know, I'm sorry. I won't leave you again. You can come with me next time, okay?" Hoseok said, wiping off Yoongi's tears. He gave Yoongi a warm smile and embraced him again before wrapping an arm around his shoulder and facing you.

"Thank you much, Y/N." Hoseok said.
"No problem."
"Don't forget, the party is tomorrow!"
"Okay, we won't. It's at 5, right?"
"Okay, bye."
"Bye, hehe!" Hoseok said.

"Bye." Yoongi mumbled.

They left together and you closed the door behind them.

"What an odd pair." you said, shrugging.
"Yeah, I don't care, pay attention to me." Jimin whined.
"Okay, kitty." you said, scratching Jimin's head.

"Pet me on the couch." Jimin said, grabbing your hand and leading you to the couch before you could even reply.

You sat down and he laid across the couch, his head in your lap and a blanket covering the both of you, waiting for his ear scratches.

You carefully treaded your fingers through his silky hair. It felt so soft and smoother under your fingertips. Jimin let out breathless moans and whimpers at the feeling.

Your scratched a little behind his right ear, causing him to push his head more into your hand.

"Mmm, you're so good at this." he said.
"Thank you." you giggled.
"Feels so good. Mm, just like that. Be gentle." he said. You nodded, blushing a bit.

"You make me feel so amazing. Mm, your fingers work magic." he growled before turning around and pinning you to the couch.

"Shh, don't speak." he said, taking your wrists in his hand and pinning them above your head.

He trailed little kisses up your neck, moaning into the skin.
"Mmm, I wanna taste you. Can I taste your neck, please?"
"S-sure..." you stuttered.

He immediately bent down and started to lick and suck at your neck. You shuddered seven he hit your sweet spot. He left red marks which would soon turn purple. They littered your skin.

"Now everyone will know exactly who you belong to. Do you know who that is, honey?" he teased into the shell of your ear before brushing his lips against it.


"Correct." he smirked, before planting a soft kiss against it.


The next day at 4:30, you and Jimin started to get ready for Yoongi's birthday party. You put his clothing gift in a green paper bag, and Jimin chose some golden wrapping paper to stick in it.

"Oh, the card!" you remembered.
Instead of buying a card, you and Jimin thought it would be nice to custom make one

Jimin did most of the drawing, which consisted of butterflies, squiggles, hearts, and a toddler-like version of Yoongi.

Happy Birthday, Yoongi! You're growing so nicely. We love you!
- Jimin and Y/N

You stuck the card in the bag next to the clothes.

~Little Kitty~ Hybrid Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now