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The next morning at breakfast, you decided to talk with the boys.

"So, Yoongi... how do you like my onigiri?" I asked him.
"It's delicious." he said, shoveling it down.
"Thank you! I learned the recipe from a friend who was born in Japan. She showed me how to make it perfectly." you giggled.
"Y/N, is this... Yoongi guy gonna live with us forever." Jimin whispered in your ear. You scolded him for being rude, but then answered his question.
"No, but he is for the time being. I am going to take care of him until I can find someone else to." you said. However, you were whispering a bit too loudly, and Yoongi heard you.

"I don't need anyone to take care of me, I can take care of myself." he said.
"Yoongi, honey, you do. It's hard to get a job with zero work experience or schooling, plus hiding your identity." you told him. Jimin scoffed when you said honey.

"Anyways... why don't we go out later today? We can go take a walk in the park. It's really pretty out, and the weather is perfect for strolling!" you mentioned. The boys both agreed, so you told them to wash up and get ready.


While changing, you got a call from Hoseok.

"Hi, Y/N! What's up?" he asked.
"Nothing much, I'm just about to take the boys to the park. We're going to look around. We might feed the ducks at the pond." you said while picking out a cute miniskirt.
"Oh... I was planning on going to the park, as well. What a coincidence! Can I come along?" he asked cheerfully.
"Of course! We'll be there at around... 12:30. Is that good?"
"Yeah. See ya then~" he said his goodbyes and then hung up.

Your finished changing into a flower blouse and cute white miniskirt, along with some frilly socks and your white sneakers. You walked out and the boys stared at you intensely.

"Wow, you look so beautiful, angel." Jimin said.
"Thank you, Jiminie~" you blushed and ruffled his hair while he giggled.
"Yes, you look amazing, Y/N" Yoongi said. Jimin let out a low growl, but you shushed him.
"Thanks, Yoongi. So sweet~" you said, grabbing his cheek and shaking it like a grandma would do. He blushed a bit and pushed away your arm while you laughed.


All three of you arrived at the park. You
breathed in the fresh air and took in the beautiful view of the green grass and trees blossoming with small pink flowers.

"Y/N!" you heard a voice shout. You looked behind you to see Hoseok waving his hands and running towards you. You chuckled and waved back. He gave you a hug as a greeting and waved to the other boys. Jimin growled and Yoongi just said nothing.

"Oh... who's this?" Hoseok asked pointing to Yoongi.
"Hi.." Yoongi trailed off. He wasn't very comfortable around people.
"His owner abandoned him at the clinic..." you trailed off.


"Owner? Clinic? You're taking about him as if he is an animal." Hoseok laughed until he realized... you weren't laughing with him.
"He's not an animal..."
Yoongi scoffed and ripped off his cap to reveal his soft black ears.
"You're kidding me... he's... part cat?" Hoseok questioned. You nodded.
"But how is that even possible? Can I touch your ears?" he asked Yoongi. He shrugged and Hoseok went out to scratch them. Yoongi purred and pushed his head farther into Hoseok's hand.

"You know, I'm looking for someone to take care of him. I'd love to, but there isn't a lot of space in my house. Besides... you know how Jiminie can get." you whispered the last part.
"Oh, okay. Well, let's get to walking!" Hoseok said, and you all started on the walking trail towards to duck pond.


After you arrived at the duck pond, you reached into your purse and gave everyone a piece of stale bread and a cracker to feed to the ducks.
"Remember, break it up into tiny pieces so the ducks can eat it! They can't have it if it's too big." you told him.
"Okay." they all replied simultaneously, but Hoseok stayed behind.

"Hey, Y/N, I was thinking... maybe I could have Yoongi? I promise I'll take good care of him. You know I have lots of space in my house for him to run around, and I also know how to cook! Pleaseeee?" he begged.

"Well, Yoongi is very sedimentary, so he won't run around, but sure! Let's go ask him." you said as you started walking towards Yoongi. He giggled as the ducks ate the break he threw into the water. He smiled as he even got a little duckling to eat out of his hand.

"Yoongi... hi!" Hoseok said.
"Hi." Yoongi replied.
"I was thinking... you know I have a nice house and I can cook and I have a guest room so... could I adopt you? I promise I'll treat you well! Please?" he asked.
Yoongi smiled and nodded his head. Hoseok cheered, and you and Jimin smiled at the scene.

"Finally, he won't be bothering you anymore." Jimin said.
"Hey, don't be a meanie!" you said.
"What? Now I get to have you all to myself..." he mumbled into your neck.

Haha... yeah....

(A/N): Hey guys! This chapter was a bit longer than usual. I think that my previous chapters have been a bit too short, so I'll start making them somewhat like this length. Thanks for reading. Also, THANKS FOR 100 READSS!

I love you all~

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